36-463/36-663: Multilevel/Hierarchical Models
Fall 2016

Instructor:				Teaching Assistant:
Brian Junker, Statistics		Nick Kim
132E Baker Hall				FMS 328
(412) 268-8874				(412) 251-4637
brian@stat.cmu.edu			nicolask@stat.cmu.edu

Office Hours (132E Baker):		Office Hours (132M Baker):

3-4 on Tue & Thu;                       5-6pm Mon
occasonally Tue after class;  		
or by appointment			or by appointment

                           This course meets T Th 10:30 - 11:50 in DH A302.

There is also a blackboard page for this class, but it
will be used mainly for 

* turning in assignments 
* discussion board
* reporting grades

Please do check the bulletin board here regularly.

If you use gmail (especially if you forward andrew mail to gmail) PLEASE
add a filter in gmail [under the 'settings' menu] preventing email 
from stat.cmu.edu from going in your spam folder.  I will occasionally 
send email from my statistics account, and you need to be able to read 
and respond to it.

Here is a tentative course syllabus.  Be sure to check back right up until
the first day of classes for updates!


  week01          hw01 Due Tue Sept 6 on Blackboard.
                  There is also a short Blackboard survey due Thu Sept 1 at 9am.

  week02          hw02 Due Tue Sept 13 on Blackboard, before class.

  week03          hw03 Due Tue Sept 20 on Blackboard, by 11:59pm.

  week04          hw04 Due Thu Sept 29 on Blackboard, by 11:59pm.

  week05          hw05 Due Thu Oct 6 on Blackboard, by 11:59pm.

  week06          hw06 Due Thu Oct 13 on Blackboard, by 11:59pm.

  week07          hw07 Due TUESDAY Oct 18 on Blackboard, by 11:59pm.

  week08          No hw this week!

  week09          hw08 Due Thu Nov 3 on Blackboard, by 11:59pm.

  week10          hw09 Due Thu Nov 10 on Blackboard, by 11:59pm. 

  The first part of the project is available for you to look at
  and start working on.  Please do not collaborate on this
  assignment; more detailed instructions are given on the
  assignment pdf.  This will be due at 11:59pm on Friday
  Nov 18, on Blackboard.
 week11           No hw this week -- work individually on your projects!
                  Part I of the project is due Fri 11:59pm Nov 18, 2016.

 week13           hw10 Due Thu Dec 1 on Blackboard, by 11:59pm.


  The second part of the project is available for you to look at
  and start working on.  Please do not collaborate on this
  assignment; more detailed instructions are given on the
  assignment pdf.  This will be due at 11:59pm on Friday
  Dec 16, on Blackboard.


See you in class!