Conditional Density Estimation

Conditional Density Estimation Tools in Python and R with Applications to Photometric Redshifts and Likelihood-Free Cosmological Inference

It is well known in astronomy that propagating non-Gaussian prediction uncertainty in photometric redshift estimates is key to reducing bias in downstream cosmological analyses. Similarly, likelihood-free inference approaches, which are beginning to …

ABC-CDE: Toward Approximate Bayesian Computation with Complex High-Dimensional Data and Limited Simulations

Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) is typically used when the likelihood is either unavailable or intractable but where data can be simulated under different parameter settings using a forward model. Despite the recent interest in ABC, …

Nonparametric Conditional Density Estimation in a High-Dimensional Regression Setting.

In some applications (e.g., in cosmology and economics), the regression E[Z|x] is not adequate to represent the association between a predictor x and a response Z because of multi-modality and asymmetry of f(z|x); using the full density instead of a …