Data frame

Our data are usually presented as a csv file and after loading a csv file into the R studio, we will achieve a data frame. A data frame can be considered a special case of matrix where each column usually represent a variable and all variables have exactly the same length.

nba <- read.csv("")

We can use the functions head() and tail() to view a sample of the data frame. Examples are viewing the first six rows of the data frame “nba” and the last three rows.

##                     player position age team games games_started
## 1             Steven Adams        C  26  OKC    58            58
## 2              Bam Adebayo       PF  22  MIA    65            65
## 3        LaMarcus Aldridge        C  34  SAS    53            53
## 4 Nickeil Alexander-Walker       SG  21  NOP    41             0
## 5            Grayson Allen       SG  24  MEM    30             0
## 6            Jarrett Allen        C  21  BRK    64            58
##   minutes_played field_goals field_goal_attempts three_pointers
## 1           1564         262                 443              1
## 2           2235         408                 719              1
## 3           1754         391                 793             61
## 4            501          77                 227             40
## 5            498          79                 176             33
## 6           1647         267                 413              0
##   three_point_attempts two_pointers two_point_attempts free_throws
## 1                    3          261                440         108
## 2                   13          407                706         236
## 3                  157          330                636         158
## 4                  117           37                110          17
## 5                   91           46                 85          30
## 6                    5          267                408         147
##   free_throw_attempts offensive_rebounds defensive_rebounds assists steals
## 1                 183                196                347     141     50
## 2                 342                165                518     333     78
## 3                 191                103                289     129     36
## 4                  28                  8                 72      74     11
## 5                  35                  5                 61      43      6
## 6                 237                195                410      85     37
##   blocks turnovers personal_fouls
## 1     65        86            111
## 2     85       185            164
## 3     87        74            128
## 4      7        40             46
## 5      1        23             36
## 6     85        72            144
tail(nba, 3)
##            player position age team games games_started minutes_played
## 568   Cody Zeller        C  27  CHO    58            39           1341
## 569 Ante Žižić        C  23  CLE    22             0            221
## 570   Ivica Zubac        C  22  LAC    64            62           1156
##     field_goals field_goal_attempts three_pointers three_point_attempts
## 568         251                 479             18                   75
## 569          41                  72              0                    0
## 570         202                 336              0                    2
##     two_pointers two_point_attempts free_throws free_throw_attempts
## 568          233                404         122                 179
## 569           41                 72          14                  19
## 570          202                334         107                 141
##     offensive_rebounds defensive_rebounds assists steals blocks turnovers
## 568                160                251      88     40     25        75
## 569                 18                 48       6      7      5        10
## 570                166                295      69     13     60        53
##     personal_fouls
## 568            140
## 569             27
## 570            146

To view the dimentions of the data frame, use the function dim()

## [1] 570  22

Tow view the summary statistics for all variables and the data structure types, use summary() and str().

##               player    position      age             team    
##  Anthony Tolliver:  3   C : 96   Min.   :19.00   MIN    : 24  
##  Jordan McRae    :  3   PF:119   1st Qu.:22.00   DET    : 22  
##  Alec Burks      :  2   PG:100   Median :25.00   GSW    : 22  
##  Alex Len        :  2   SF:104   Mean   :25.61   SAC    : 22  
##  Allen Crabbe    :  2   SG:151   3rd Qu.:28.00   ATL    : 21  
##  Andre Drummond  :  2            Max.   :43.00   CLE    : 21  
##  (Other)         :556                            (Other):438  
##      games       games_started   minutes_played    field_goals   
##  Min.   : 1.00   Min.   : 0.00   Min.   :   1.0   Min.   :  0.0  
##  1st Qu.:14.00   1st Qu.: 0.00   1st Qu.: 206.0   1st Qu.: 25.0  
##  Median :40.00   Median : 4.00   Median : 715.5   Median : 92.5  
##  Mean   :35.97   Mean   :17.04   Mean   : 823.4   Mean   :139.1  
##  3rd Qu.:56.00   3rd Qu.:33.00   3rd Qu.:1396.8   3rd Qu.:216.0  
##  Max.   :66.00   Max.   :65.00   Max.   :2243.0   Max.   :623.0  
##  field_goal_attempts three_pointers   three_point_attempts
##  Min.   :   0.0      Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00      
##  1st Qu.:  54.5      1st Qu.:  2.25   1st Qu.:  9.25      
##  Median : 210.0      Median : 22.00   Median : 69.00      
##  Mean   : 302.6      Mean   : 41.33   Mean   :115.63      
##  3rd Qu.: 479.0      3rd Qu.: 65.00   3rd Qu.:186.50      
##  Max.   :1386.0      Max.   :271.00   Max.   :769.00      
##   two_pointers    two_point_attempts  free_throws     free_throw_attempts
##  Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00     Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00     
##  1st Qu.: 16.00   1st Qu.: 30.25     1st Qu.:  7.00   1st Qu.: 10.25     
##  Median : 58.00   Median :114.50     Median : 32.00   Median : 44.00     
##  Mean   : 97.78   Mean   :186.94     Mean   : 60.15   Mean   : 78.02     
##  3rd Qu.:153.00   3rd Qu.:278.75     3rd Qu.: 76.00   3rd Qu.:102.75     
##  Max.   :540.00   Max.   :998.00     Max.   :619.00   Max.   :719.00     
##  offensive_rebounds defensive_rebounds    assists           steals      
##  Min.   :  0.00     Min.   :  0.0      Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00  
##  1st Qu.:  7.00     1st Qu.: 25.0      1st Qu.: 12.00   1st Qu.:  5.00  
##  Median : 21.00     Median : 88.0      Median : 47.50   Median : 20.00  
##  Mean   : 34.47     Mean   :118.4      Mean   : 82.95   Mean   : 26.09  
##  3rd Qu.: 48.75     3rd Qu.:182.5      3rd Qu.:109.00   3rd Qu.: 40.00  
##  Max.   :244.00     Max.   :653.0      Max.   :636.00   Max.   :115.00  
##      blocks         turnovers      personal_fouls  
##  Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :  0.00  
##  1st Qu.:  3.00   1st Qu.:  9.00   1st Qu.: 20.00  
##  Median :  9.00   Median : 33.50   Median : 64.00  
##  Mean   : 16.85   Mean   : 47.29   Mean   : 70.13  
##  3rd Qu.: 22.00   3rd Qu.: 70.00   3rd Qu.:113.75  
##  Max.   :187.00   Max.   :289.00   Max.   :246.00  
## 'data.frame':    570 obs. of  22 variables:
##  $ player              : Factor w/ 514 levels "Aaron Gordon",..: 446 31 311 378 181 220 277 6 268 303 ...
##  $ position            : Factor w/ 5 levels "C","PF","PG",..: 1 2 1 5 5 1 5 2 4 2 ...
##  $ age                 : int  26 22 34 21 24 21 27 29 26 26 ...
##  $ team                : Factor w/ 30 levels "ATL","BOS","BRK",..: 21 16 27 19 15 3 20 22 3 15 ...
##  $ games               : int  58 65 53 41 30 64 10 18 3 59 ...
##  $ games_started       : int  58 65 53 0 0 58 0 2 0 20 ...
##  $ minutes_played      : int  1564 2235 1754 501 498 1647 117 380 17 1140 ...
##  $ field_goals         : int  262 408 391 77 79 267 19 25 1 138 ...
##  $ field_goal_attempts : int  443 719 793 227 176 413 44 86 6 280 ...
##  $ three_pointers      : int  1 1 61 40 33 0 5 9 0 16 ...
##  $ three_point_attempts: int  3 13 157 117 91 5 16 36 3 62 ...
##  $ two_pointers        : int  261 407 330 37 46 267 14 16 1 122 ...
##  $ two_point_attempts  : int  440 706 636 110 85 408 28 50 3 218 ...
##  $ free_throws         : int  108 236 158 17 30 147 7 19 1 43 ...
##  $ free_throw_attempts : int  183 342 191 28 35 237 11 29 2 66 ...
##  $ offensive_rebounds  : int  196 165 103 8 5 195 2 24 0 54 ...
##  $ defensive_rebounds  : int  347 518 289 72 61 410 7 63 2 203 ...
##  $ assists             : int  141 333 129 74 43 85 21 21 0 132 ...
##  $ steals              : int  50 78 36 11 6 37 5 18 0 46 ...
##  $ blocks              : int  65 85 87 7 1 85 2 8 1 31 ...
##  $ turnovers           : int  86 185 74 40 23 72 8 17 0 55 ...
##  $ personal_fouls      : int  111 164 128 46 36 144 7 27 2 85 ...

Data manipulation with package “dplyr”

An easier way to manipulate the data frame is through the package “dplyr”, which is included in the package “tidyverse”. The operation we can do includes: selecting specific columns, filtering for rows, re-ordering rows, adding new columns and summarizing data. “Split-apply-combine” concept can also be achieved by “dplyr”. Before we use the package, remember to call it:

## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 3.5.3
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.5.3
## Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 3.5.3
## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 3.5.3
## Warning: package 'readr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 3.5.3
## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.5.3
## Warning: package 'stringr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'forcats' was built under R version 3.5.2

Selecting columns using select()

The function select() can be use to select certain column with the column names. The first parameter is the name of the data frame. For example, if I only need to view the column “player” and “games”:

nba_pg <- select(nba, player, games)
##                     player games
## 1             Steven Adams    58
## 2              Bam Adebayo    65
## 3        LaMarcus Aldridge    53
## 4 Nickeil Alexander-Walker    41
## 5            Grayson Allen    30
## 6            Jarrett Allen    64

To select all the columns except a specific column, use the - (subtraction) operator. For example,

head(select(nba, -player))
##   position age team games games_started minutes_played field_goals
## 1        C  26  OKC    58            58           1564         262
## 2       PF  22  MIA    65            65           2235         408
## 3        C  34  SAS    53            53           1754         391
## 4       SG  21  NOP    41             0            501          77
## 5       SG  24  MEM    30             0            498          79
## 6        C  21  BRK    64            58           1647         267
##   field_goal_attempts three_pointers three_point_attempts two_pointers
## 1                 443              1                    3          261
## 2                 719              1                   13          407
## 3                 793             61                  157          330
## 4                 227             40                  117           37
## 5                 176             33                   91           46
## 6                 413              0                    5          267
##   two_point_attempts free_throws free_throw_attempts offensive_rebounds
## 1                440         108                 183                196
## 2                706         236                 342                165
## 3                636         158                 191                103
## 4                110          17                  28                  8
## 5                 85          30                  35                  5
## 6                408         147                 237                195
##   defensive_rebounds assists steals blocks turnovers personal_fouls
## 1                347     141     50     65        86            111
## 2                518     333     78     85       185            164
## 3                289     129     36     87        74            128
## 4                 72      74     11      7        40             46
## 5                 61      43      6      1        23             36
## 6                410      85     37     85        72            144

To select a range of columns by name, use the : (colon) operator. For example,

head(select(nba, player:games))
##                     player position age team games
## 1             Steven Adams        C  26  OKC    58
## 2              Bam Adebayo       PF  22  MIA    65
## 3        LaMarcus Aldridge        C  34  SAS    53
## 4 Nickeil Alexander-Walker       SG  21  NOP    41
## 5            Grayson Allen       SG  24  MEM    30
## 6            Jarrett Allen        C  21  BRK    64

To select all columns that start with certain character strings, use the function starts_with(). Ohter matching options are:

  1. ends_with() = Select columns that end with a character string

  2. contains() = Select columns that contain a character string

  3. matches() = Select columns that match a regular expression

  4. one_of() = Select columns names that are from a group of names

head(select(nba, starts_with("three")))
##   three_pointers three_point_attempts
## 1              1                    3
## 2              1                   13
## 3             61                  157
## 4             40                  117
## 5             33                   91
## 6              0                    5
head(select(nba, contains("throw")))
##   free_throws free_throw_attempts
## 1         108                 183
## 2         236                 342
## 3         158                 191
## 4          17                  28
## 5          30                  35
## 6         147                 237

Selecting rows using filter()

We can also select the rows that satisfied certain criteria. For example, if I want to select the rows that the number of assists is larger than 500.

filter(nba, assists > 500)
##         player position age team games games_started minutes_played
## 1 LeBron James       PG  35  LAL    60            60           2094
## 2  Ricky Rubio       PG  29  PHO    57            57           1802
## 3   Trae Young       PG  21  ATL    60            60           2120
##   field_goals field_goal_attempts three_pointers three_point_attempts
## 1         586                1176            133                  381
## 2         252                 611             66                  188
## 3         546                1249            205                  568
##   two_pointers two_point_attempts free_throws free_throw_attempts
## 1          453                795         239                 343
## 2          186                423         174                 204
## 3          341                681         481                 559
##   offensive_rebounds defensive_rebounds assists steals blocks turnovers
## 1                 59                414     636     74     30       239
## 2                 42                223     507     88      9       155
## 3                 32                223     560     65      8       289
##   personal_fouls
## 1            106
## 2            143
## 3            104

We can also filter mutiple criteria.

filter(nba, age > 30, team %in% c("HOU", "GSW"))
##               player position age team games games_started minutes_played
## 1      Ryan Anderson       PF  31  HOU     2             0             14
## 2    DeMarre Carroll       SF  33  HOU     6             0             96
## 3     Tyson Chandler        C  37  HOU    26             5            219
## 4      Stephen Curry       PG  31  GSW     5             5            139
## 5        Eric Gordon       SG  31  HOU    34            13            972
## 6         Jeff Green       PF  33  HOU    10             0            201
## 7       Jeremy Pargo       PG  33  GSW     3             0             44
## 8    Thabo Sefolosha       PF  35  HOU    41             0            436
## 9        P.J. Tucker       PF  34  HOU    64            64           2203
## 10 Russell Westbrook       PG  31  HOU    53            53           1905
##    field_goals field_goal_attempts three_pointers three_point_attempts
## 1            2                   7              1                    5
## 2           12                  25              4                   14
## 3           14                  18              0                    0
## 4           33                  82             12                   49
## 5          162                 438             92                  288
## 6           41                  66             14                   34
## 7           11                  22              3                    7
## 8           37                  91             15                   54
## 9          162                 374             95                  257
## 10         568                1199             51                  201
##    two_pointers two_point_attempts free_throws free_throw_attempts
## 1             1                  2           0                   0
## 2             8                 11          12                  16
## 3            14                 18           6                  13
## 4            21                 33          26                  26
## 5            70                150          78                 103
## 6            27                 32           8                  10
## 7             8                 15           0                   1
## 8            22                 37           3                   8
## 9            67                117          37                  44
## 10          517                998         269                 346
##    offensive_rebounds defensive_rebounds assists steals blocks turnovers
## 1                   0                  7       2      1      0         1
## 2                   4                 12       7      2      2         6
## 3                  25                 41       6      6      8         8
## 4                   4                 22      33      5      2        16
## 5                   8                 57      52     22     12        36
## 6                   9                 23      12      9      5         9
## 7                   1                  2       8      1      0         4
## 8                  21                 72      25     24     12        15
## 9                 102                339     101     70     31        67
## 10                 94                332     370     88     17       236
##    personal_fouls
## 1               1
## 2               8
## 3              32
## 4              11
## 5              68
## 6              19
## 7               8
## 8              43
## 9             209
## 10            187

Pipe operator: %>%

Before we go any futher, let’s introduce the pipe operator: %>%. This operator allows you to pipe the output from one function to the input of another function. For example, the following two statements will generate the same output:

head(select(nba, player, games))
##                     player games
## 1             Steven Adams    58
## 2              Bam Adebayo    65
## 3        LaMarcus Aldridge    53
## 4 Nickeil Alexander-Walker    41
## 5            Grayson Allen    30
## 6            Jarrett Allen    64
nba %>% select(player, games) %>% head
##                     player games
## 1             Steven Adams    58
## 2              Bam Adebayo    65
## 3        LaMarcus Aldridge    53
## 4 Nickeil Alexander-Walker    41
## 5            Grayson Allen    30
## 6            Jarrett Allen    64

The reason why we introduce the pipe operator is to easily combine multiple functions without using too many parentheses or name the variables in each step.

Arrange or re-order rows using arrange()

To arrange the data frame by a specific order we need to use the function arrange(). The default is by increasing order and a negaive operator will provide the decreasing order.

head(arrange(nba, personal_fouls))
##                 player position age team games games_started
## 1 Kostas Antetokounmpo       PF  22  LAL     3             0
## 2         Troy Daniels       SG  28  DEN     1             0
## 3          Jacob Evans       SG  22  MIN     2             0
## 4             Kyle Guy       SG  22  SAC     2             0
## 5         Jared Harper       PG  22  PHO     3             0
## 6  Talen Horton-Tucker       SG  19  LAL     2             0
##   minutes_played field_goals field_goal_attempts three_pointers
## 1              5           0                   0              0
## 2              1           0                   1              0
## 3              4           0                   1              0
## 4              4           1                   2              0
## 5              8           1                   4              0
## 6              5           0                   1              0
##   three_point_attempts two_pointers two_point_attempts free_throws
## 1                    0            0                  0           0
## 2                    1            0                  0           0
## 3                    1            0                  0           0
## 4                    1            1                  1           0
## 5                    2            1                  2           0
## 6                    1            0                  0           0
##   free_throw_attempts offensive_rebounds defensive_rebounds assists steals
## 1                   0                  0                  1       1      0
## 2                   0                  0                  0       0      0
## 3                   0                  0                  0       0      0
## 4                   0                  0                  0       0      0
## 5                   0                  0                  0       0      0
## 6                   0                  0                  0       2      1
##   blocks turnovers personal_fouls
## 1      0         0              0
## 2      0         0              0
## 3      0         0              0
## 4      0         0              0
## 5      0         0              0
## 6      0         0              0
head(arrange(nba, -personal_fouls))
##              player position age team games games_started minutes_played
## 1     Dillon Brooks       SG  24  MEM    65            65           1851
## 2 Jaren Jackson Jr.        C  20  MEM    54            54           1512
## 3       P.J. Tucker       PF  34  HOU    64            64           2203
## 4      James Harden       SG  30  HOU    61            61           2241
## 5      Daniel Theis        C  27  BOS    58            57           1382
## 6     Dwight Howard        C  34  LAL    62             2           1193
##   field_goals field_goal_attempts three_pointers three_point_attempts
## 1         372                 925            132                  358
## 2         328                 701            135                  340
## 3         162                 374             95                  257
## 4         603                1386            271                  769
## 5         216                 382             26                   81
## 6         188                 257              3                    5
##   two_pointers two_point_attempts free_throws free_throw_attempts
## 1          240                567         144                 178
## 2          193                361         123                 166
## 3           67                117          37                  44
## 4          332                617         619                 719
## 5          190                301          81                 106
## 6          185                252          89                 180
##   offensive_rebounds defensive_rebounds assists steals blocks turnovers
## 1                 61                152     128     57     25       108
## 2                 53                201      76     36     87        94
## 3                102                339     101     70     31        67
## 4                 64                324     450    106     53       273
## 5                130                250      95     35     75        48
## 6                156                301      42     27     76        73
##   personal_fouls
## 1            246
## 2            219
## 3            209
## 4            206
## 5            201
## 6            200

It can also combine with the select() and filter(), with the pipe operator.

nba %>% select(player, team, age, games) %>% arrange(-age) %>% filter(games > 50) %>% head
##              player team age games
## 1      Vince Carter  ATL  43    60
## 2      LeBron James  LAL  35    60
## 3       J.J. Redick  NOP  35    54
## 4 LaMarcus Aldridge  SAS  34    53
## 5        Taj Gibson  NYK  34    62
## 6     Dwight Howard  LAL  34    62

Create new columns using mutate()

Sometimes the data does not provide the variable that we are interested in directly and in that case, we can manipulate the current variables and add new variables into the data frame. For example, if I am interested in number of fouls per game,

nba %>% mutate(foul_per_game = personal_fouls / games) %>% head
##                     player position age team games games_started
## 1             Steven Adams        C  26  OKC    58            58
## 2              Bam Adebayo       PF  22  MIA    65            65
## 3        LaMarcus Aldridge        C  34  SAS    53            53
## 4 Nickeil Alexander-Walker       SG  21  NOP    41             0
## 5            Grayson Allen       SG  24  MEM    30             0
## 6            Jarrett Allen        C  21  BRK    64            58
##   minutes_played field_goals field_goal_attempts three_pointers
## 1           1564         262                 443              1
## 2           2235         408                 719              1
## 3           1754         391                 793             61
## 4            501          77                 227             40
## 5            498          79                 176             33
## 6           1647         267                 413              0
##   three_point_attempts two_pointers two_point_attempts free_throws
## 1                    3          261                440         108
## 2                   13          407                706         236
## 3                  157          330                636         158
## 4                  117           37                110          17
## 5                   91           46                 85          30
## 6                    5          267                408         147
##   free_throw_attempts offensive_rebounds defensive_rebounds assists steals
## 1                 183                196                347     141     50
## 2                 342                165                518     333     78
## 3                 191                103                289     129     36
## 4                  28                  8                 72      74     11
## 5                  35                  5                 61      43      6
## 6                 237                195                410      85     37
##   blocks turnovers personal_fouls foul_per_game
## 1     65        86            111      1.913793
## 2     85       185            164      2.523077
## 3     87        74            128      2.415094
## 4      7        40             46      1.121951
## 5      1        23             36      1.200000
## 6     85        72            144      2.250000

Create summaries of the data frame using summarise()

TO create summary statistics for a given column in the data frame, we can use summarise() function. For example, if I need to extract the mean, min, max number of assists,

nba %>% summarise(avg_assist = mean(assists), 
                  min_assist = min(assists),
                  max_assist = max(assists))
##   avg_assist min_assist max_assist
## 1   82.95088          0        636

The advantage of summarise is more obvious if we combine it with the group_by() , the group operators. Since players at the different position tend to have very different statistics, we can group the players by their poisition first and then generate summary statistics. For example,

nba %>% group_by(position) %>% summarise(avg_assist = mean(assists), 
                                          min_assist = min(assists),
                                          max_assist = max(assists))
## # A tibble: 5 x 4
##   position avg_assist min_assist max_assist
##   <fct>         <dbl>      <int>      <int>
## 1 C              62.4          0        446
## 2 PF             56.5          0        333
## 3 PG            165.           0        636
## 4 SF             60.8          0        340
## 5 SG             77.5          0        450


  1. Read the MLB data frame and show the first 2 row and the last 4 row.
#R code here

# location of the dataset:
  1. Find out the dimension of MLB data frame. Discuss the difference between summary() and str()
#R code here
  1. Select all the columns related to the game results in MLB data frame.
#R code here
  1. Select the columns end with the string “allowed” and show the head.
#R code here

5.(option) Compare following statements and discuss the difference. Hint: read the help document of “regex”.

head(select(mlb, contains("runs")))
head(select(mlb, matches("runs")))

head(select(mlb, contains("runs.*")))
head(select(mlb, matches("runs.*")))
  1. Select the rows that wins more than 100 times in year 2018.
#R code here
  1. Use the pipe operator to select the teams that win world series after(include) year 2010. Only present the year, the team name and the number of wins.
#R code here
  1. Use the pipe operator to select the teams that win world series after(include) year 2010. Only present the year, the team name and the number of wins. Re-arrange the data frame with the number of wins in a decreasing order.
#R code here
  1. Use the pipe operator to add two new columns in the MLB data frame which represents the percentage of wins over the numebr of games_played and the number of homeruns per games_played.
#R code here
  1. Use the pipe operator and group operator to generate summary statistics (mean, min, max) for the the final rank, for each team.
#R code here
  1. Explore the missing values. In MLB data frame, which columns contain mising value “NA”? Is there any pattern for the missing value?