class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Advanced topics ## Multinomial logistic regression and multilevel models ### July 20th, 2021 --- ## Example: NFL Expected Points What does football __play-by-play__ data look like? Each row is a play with contextual information: - __Possession team:__ team with the ball, on offense (opposing team is on defense) - __Down:__ 4 downs to advance the ball 10 (or more) yards - New set of downs, else turnover to defense - __Yards to go:__ distance in yards to advance - __Yard line:__ distance in yards away from opponent's endzone (100 to 0) - the field position - __Time remaining:__ seconds remaining in game, each game is 3600 seconds long - 4 quarters, halftime in between, followed by a potential overtime (900 seconds) --- ## Example: NFL Expected Points __Drive:__ a series of plays, changes with possession and the types of scoring events: - __No Score:__ 0 points - turnover the ball or half/game ends - __Field Goal:__ 3 points - kick through opponent's goal post - __Touchdown:__ 7 points - enter opponent's end zone - __Safety:__ 2 points for opponent - tackled in own endzone -- __Next Score:__ type of next score (current drive or future drives) with respect to possession team - For: Touchdown (7), Field Goal (3), Safety (2) - Against: -Touchdown (-7), -Field Goal (-3), -Safety (-2) - No Score _Note: treating point-after-touchdown attempts (PATs) separately_ --- ## Example: NFL Expected Points __Expected Points:__ Measure the value of play in terms of `\(\mathbb{E}[\text{points of next scoring play}]\)` - i.e., historically, how many points have teams scored when in similar situations? -- __Response__: `\(Y \in\)` {Touchdown (7), Field Goal (3), Safety (2), No Score (0), -Safety (-2), -Field Goal (-3), -Touchdown (-7)} __Explanatory variables__: `\(\mathbf{X} =\)` {down, yards to go, yard line, ...} -- Want to __estimate the probabilities__ of each scoring event to compute expected points: - Outcome probabilities: `\(P(Y = y | \mathbf{X})\)` - Expected Points `\(= E(Y| \mathbf{X}) = \sum_{y \in Y} y \cdot P(Y=y|\mathbf{X})\)` -- _How do we model more than two categories???_ --- ## Review: logistic regression Response variable `\(Y\)` has two possible values: 1 or 0, we estimate the probability $$ p(x) = P(Y = 1 | X = x) $$ Assuming that we are dealing with two classes, the possible observed values for `\(Y\)` are 0 and 1, $$ Y \vert x \sim {\rm Binomial}(n=1,p=\mathbb{E}[Y\vert x]) = \text{Bernoulli}(p = \mathbb{E}[Y\vert x]) $$ -- To limit the regression betweewn `\([0, 1]\)`: use the __logit__ function, aka the __log-odds ratio__ $$ \text{logit}(p(x)) = \log \left[ \frac{p(x)}{1 - p(x)} \right] = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p $$ -- meaning `$$p(x) = \frac{e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p}}{1 + e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \cdots + \beta_p x_p}}$$` --- ## [Multinomial logistic regression]( We can extend this to `\(K\)` classes (via the [softmax function]( `$$P(Y=k^* \mid X=x)=\frac{e^{\beta_{0 k^*}+\beta_{1 k^*} x_{1}+\cdots+\beta_{p k^*} x_{p}}}{\sum_{k=1}^{K} e^{\beta_{0 k}+\beta_{1 k} x_{1}+\cdots+\beta_{p k} x_{p}}}$$` -- We only estimate coefficients for `\(K - 1\)` classes __relative to reference class__ For example, let `\(K\)` be the reference then we use `\(K - 1\)` logit transformations - Use `\(\boldsymbol{\beta}\)` for vector of coefficients and `\(\mathbf{X}\)` for matrix of predictors `$$\begin{array}{c} \log \Big( \frac{P(Y =1 \mid \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=K \mid \mathbf{X})} \Big) = \boldsymbol{\beta}_{1} \cdot \mathbf{X} \\ \log \Big( \frac{P(Y=2 \mid \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=K \mid \mathbf{X})} \Big) =\boldsymbol{\beta}_{2} \cdot \mathbf{X} \\ \log \Big( \frac{P(Y=K-1 \mid \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=K \mid \mathbf{X})} \Big) =\boldsymbol{\beta}_{K-1} \cdot \mathbf{X} \end{array}$$` --- ## [Multinomial logistic regression]( for next score `\(Y \in\)` {Touchdown (7), Field Goal (3), Safety (2), No Score (0), -Safety (-2), -Field Goal (-3), -Touchdown (-7)} `\(\mathbf{X} =\)` {down, yards to go, yard line, ...} -- Model is specified with __six logit transformations__ relative to __No Score__: `$$\begin{array}{c} \log \left(\frac{P(Y=\text { Touchdown } \mid \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=\text { No Score } \mid \mathbf{X})}\right)=\mathbf{X} \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}_{\text {Touchdown }} \\ \log \left(\frac{P(Y=\text { Field Goal } \mid \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=\text { No Score } \mid \mathbf{X})}\right)=\mathbf{X} \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}_{\text {Field Goal }}, \\ \vdots & \\ \log \left(\frac{P(Y=-\text { Touchdown } \mid \mathbf{X})}{P(Y=\text { No Score } \mid \mathbf{X})}\right)=\mathbf{X} \cdot \boldsymbol{\beta}_{-\text {Touchdown }}, \end{array}$$` -- - Model is generating probabilities, agnostic of value associated with each next score type -- - Fit multinomial logistic regression model in `R` with `nnet` package --- ### NFL play-by-play data (2010 to 2020) Initialized NFL play-by-play dataset with next score in half for each play - Followed steps in [script by Ben Baldwin]( (which copies my steps [here]( ```r library(tidyverse) nfl_ep_model_data <- read_rds(url("")) nfl_ep_model_data <- nfl_ep_model_data %>% mutate(Next_Score_Half = fct_relevel(Next_Score_Half, "No_Score"), # log transform of yards to go and indicator for two minute warning: log_ydstogo = log(ydstogo), # Changing down into a factor variable: down = factor(down)) ``` -- How to fit the model? ```r init_ep_model <- multinom(Next_Score_Half ~ half_seconds_remaining + yardline_100 + down + log_ydstogo + log_ydstogo*down + yardline_100*down, data = nfl_ep_model_data, maxit = 300) ``` _What does the `summary()` function return?_ --- ### Leave-one-season-out cross-validation ```r library(nnet) init_loso_cv_preds <- map_dfr(unique(nfl_ep_model_data$season), function(x) { # Separate test and training data: test_data <- nfl_ep_model_data %>% filter(season == x) train_data <- nfl_ep_model_data %>% filter(season != x) # Fit multinomial logistic regression model: ep_model <- multinom(Next_Score_Half ~ half_seconds_remaining + yardline_100 + down + log_ydstogo + log_ydstogo*down + yardline_100*down, data = train_data, maxit = 300) # Return dataset of class probabilities: * predict(ep_model, newdata = test_data, type = "probs") %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(Next_Score_Half = test_data$Next_Score_Half, season = x) }) ``` --- ### Calibration results for each scoring event ```r ep_cv_loso_calibration_results <- init_loso_cv_preds %>% pivot_longer(No_Score:Touchdown, names_to = "next_score_type", values_to = "pred_prob") %>% mutate(bin_pred_prob = round(pred_prob / 0.05) * .05) %>% group_by(next_score_type, bin_pred_prob) %>% summarize(n_plays = n(), n_scoring_event = length(which(Next_Score_Half == next_score_type)), bin_actual_prob = n_scoring_event / n_plays, * bin_se = sqrt((bin_actual_prob * (1 - bin_actual_prob)) / n_plays)) %>% ungroup() %>% * mutate(bin_upper = pmin(bin_actual_prob + 2 * bin_se, 1), * bin_lower = pmax(bin_actual_prob - 2 * bin_se, 0)) ``` --- ### Calibration results for each scoring event ```r ep_cv_loso_calibration_results %>% mutate(next_score_type = fct_relevel(next_score_type, "Opp_Safety", "Opp_Field_Goal", "Opp_Touchdown", "No_Score", "Safety", "Field_Goal", "Touchdown"), next_score_type = fct_recode(next_score_type, "-Field Goal (-3)" = "Opp_Field_Goal", "-Safety (-2)" = "Opp_Safety", "-Touchdown (-7)" = "Opp_Touchdown", "Field Goal (3)" = "Field_Goal", "No Score (0)" = "No_Score", "Touchdown (7)" = "Touchdown", "Safety (2)" = "Safety")) %>% ggplot(aes(x = bin_pred_prob, y = bin_actual_prob)) + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "black", linetype = "dashed") + geom_smooth(se = FALSE) + geom_point(aes(size = n_plays)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = bin_lower, ymax = bin_upper)) + #coord_equal() + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1)) + labs(size = "Number of plays", x = "Estimated next score probability", y = "Observed next score probability") + theme_bw() + theme(strip.background = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90), legend.position = c(1, .05), legend.justification = c(1, 0)) + facet_wrap(~ next_score_type, ncol = 4) ``` --- ### Calibration results for each scoring event <img src="22-Multinomial-multilevel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="864" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## How do we evaluate players? __Expected points added (EPA)__: change in expected points between plays Goal: divide credit between players involved in a play, i.e. who deserves what portion of EPA? -- Load dataset of 2021 passing plays: ```r nfl_passing_plays <- read_csv("") %>% # Only keep rows with passer and receiver information known: filter(!, !, ! %>% # Combine passer and receiver unique IDs: mutate(passer_name_id = paste0(passer_player_name, ":", passer_player_id), receiver_name_id = paste0(receiver_player_name, ":", receiver_player_id)) ``` -- Data displays __group structure__ and __different levels of variation within groups__ - e.g., quarterbacks have more passing attempts than receivers have targets -- Every play is a __repeated measure of performance__ - i.e., the plays (observations) are NOT independent --- ### Mixed-effects / random-effects / multilevel / hierarchical models Example of a __varying-intercept__ model: `$$EPA_{i} \sim Normal(Q_{q[i]} + C_{c[i]} + X_i \cdot \beta,\ \sigma_{EPA}^2), \text{ for}\ i\ =\ 1,\dots,n \text{ plays}$$` -- __Groups are given a model__ - treating the levels of groups as similar to one another with __partial pooling__ `$$Q_q \sim Normal(\mu_{Q},\ \sigma_{Q}^2),\text{ for } q = 1,\dots, \text{ number of QBs}, \\ C_c \sim Normal(\mu_{C},\ \sigma_{C}^2),\text{ for } c = 1,\dots, \text{ number of receivers}$$` -- Each individual estimate (e.g., `\(Q_q\)`) is pulled toward it's group mean (e.g., `\(\mu_Q\)`) - i.e., QBs and receivers involved in fewer plays will be pulled closer to their overall group averages as compared to those involved in more plays - serves as a form of __regularization__ of coefficient estimates - `\(Q_q\)` and `\(C_c\)` are __random effects__, while `\(\beta\)` are __fixed effects__ - but these are confusing terms that [no one agrees on]( --- ### Fitting multilevel models with [`lme4`]( Include variables as usual but now introduce new term for varying intercepts: `(1|GROUP)` ```r library(lme4) *passing_lmer <- lmer(epa ~ shotgun + air_yards + (1|passer_name_id) + (1|receiver_name_id), data = nfl_passing_plays) summary(passing_lmer) ``` ``` ## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] ## Formula: epa ~ shotgun + air_yards + (1 | passer_name_id) + (1 | receiver_name_id) ## Data: nfl_passing_plays ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 63854.4 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -7.6812 -0.5542 -0.0227 0.5774 5.3139 ## ## Random effects: ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ## receiver_name_id (Intercept) 0.00316 0.05621 ## passer_name_id (Intercept) 0.01050 0.10247 ## Residual 2.33186 1.52704 ## Number of obs: 17307, groups: receiver_name_id, 538; passer_name_id, 112 ## ## Fixed effects: ## Estimate Std. Error t value ## (Intercept) 0.152136 0.033132 4.592 ## shotgun -0.138158 0.030704 -4.500 ## air_yards 0.018786 0.001172 16.031 ## ## Correlation of Fixed Effects: ## (Intr) shotgn ## shotgun -0.768 ## air_yards -0.302 0.029 ``` --- ### Variance partition coefficients and intraclass correlations We partition the variance in the response between the groupings in the data Want to know the proportion of variance attributable to __variation within groups__ compared to __between groups__ -- Can compute the variance partition coefficient (VPC) or intraclass correlation (ICC): `$$\hat{\rho}_Q = \frac{\text{Between QB variability} }{ \text{Total variability}} = \frac{\hat{\sigma}^2_Q}{\hat{\sigma}^2_Q + \hat{\sigma}^2_C + \hat{\sigma}^2_{EPA}}$$` - Closer to 0: responses are more independent, the multilevel model structure is not as relevant - Closer to 1: repeated observations provide no new information, multilevel group structure is important -- ```r VarCorr(passing_lmer) %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(icc = vcov / sum(vcov)) %>% dplyr::select(grp, icc) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 2 ## grp icc ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 receiver_name_id 0.00135 ## 2 passer_name_id 0.00448 ## 3 Residual 0.994 ``` --- ### Exploring the player-level effects using [`merTools`]( Compare random effects with uncertainty via [parametric bootstrapping]( ```r library(merTools) player_effects <- REsim(passing_lmer) plotREsim(player_effects) ``` <img src="22-Multinomial-multilevel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="720" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Best and worst players? (by effects) .pull-left[ ```r player_effects %>% as_tibble() %>% group_by(groupFctr) %>% arrange(desc(mean)) %>% slice(1:5, (n() - 4):n()) %>% ggplot(aes(x = reorder(groupID, mean))) + geom_point(aes(y = mean)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean - 2 * sd, ymax = mean + 2 * sd)) + facet_wrap(~groupFctr, ncol = 1, scales = "free_y") + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "red") + coord_flip() + theme_bw() ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="22-Multinomial-multilevel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" width="504" /> ]