
This project will begin on Monday June 7th, and conclude with a 10-15 minute presentation one week later on Thursday, June 17th during lab from 2:30 to 4 PM EDT. The goal of this project is to practice understanding the structure of a dataset, and to practice generating and evaluating hypotheses using fundamental EDA and data visualization techniques.


Your team is expected to produce R Markdown slides (an example template will be provided shortly) to accompany your 10-15 minute presentation with the following information:


There will be two submission deadlines:

Friday, June 11th @ 4:00pm EST - Each student will push their individual code for the project thus far to their GitHub accounts for review. We will then provide feedback on the code submitted.

Thursday, June 17 @ 2:00pm EST - Slides and full code must be completed and ready for presentation. Send your slides to Ron’s email (ryurko@andrew.cmu.edu). All code, visualizations, and presentations must be made in R. Take advantage of examples from lecture and the presentation template, but also feel free to explore material online that may be relevant!


Your team is assigned the WNBA shot data. This dataset contains all shot attempts in the 2021 WNBA season (through June 5th) accessed using the wehoop package. The code chunk at the end shows how this dataset was constructed in R.

Each row of the dataset corresponds to a single shot attempt and has the following columns:

Note that a full glossary of the features available for the WNBA shot data can be found here.

Code to build dataset

wnba_pbp_data <- load_wnba_pbp(2021)

# Get the shots and clean this data a bit:
wnba_shots_data <- wnba_pbp_data %>%
# Remove unnecessary columns:
wnba_shots_data <- wnba_shots_data %>%
  dplyr::select(-shooting_play, -id, -participants_2_athlete_id,
                -type_abbreviation, -season, -season_type, 
                -home_team_spread, -game_spread, -home_favorite)