36-315 Final Project: Shark Tank Outcomes

About The Data

Our dataset is obtained from Kaggle and focuses on companies that have appeared on the popular TV show Shark Tank. It provides comprehensive information about these companies, their pitches, and the outcomes of their deals. Each row of the data corresponds to one company and the relevant information. The dataset covers a range of variables that offer insights into the dynamics of the Shark Tank ecosystem.

In our report, we aim to analyze the factors that contribute to the success or failure of companies in securing investments, as well as the characteristics of companies that attract the interest of the “sharks” (the investors on the show). Specifically, we will be examining the following variables in our analysis:

  • Deal: The outcome of the pitch, indicating whether a deal was made or not (T/F)
  • Description: Textual description of the company’s product or service
  • Episode: Specific episode number in which the pitch occurred
  • Category: Category or industry to which the company’s product or service belongs
  • Entreprenuers: Name(s) of the entrepreneur(s) involved in the pitch
  • Location: Location where the company resides by city, state
  • Website: Company’s website, if available
  • Askedfor: Amount of money the entrepreneur(s) initially asked for.
  • Exchangeforstake: Percentage of stake asked for
  • Valuation: Estimated value of the company at the time of the pitch
  • Season: Specific season of Shark Tank
  • Title: Name of product
  • Episode_season: Episode - season of Shark Tank
  • Multiple_entreprenuers: Whether or not there were multiple entreprenuers (T/F)
  • General_category: Category variable, cleaned up into more general categories
  • Shark1: Name of shark 1
  • Shark2: Name of shark 2
  • Shark3: Name of shark 3
  • Shark4: Name of shark 4
  • Shark5: Name of shark 5

By exploring these variables and their relationships, we aim to gain insights into the factors that influence the success or failure of companies on Shark Tank. Our analysis will provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the show and offer valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking investment opportunities.

Overall, we had three main research questions to address: + What are the trends between the different companies and valuations? + What categories (if any) do the sharks prefer throughout the seasons? + What are the trends between the companies that get a deal?

2. What categories (if any) do the sharks prefer throughout the seasons?

Additionally, we wanted to identify if there were any trends in the sharks’ choices. One way to see the sharks’ preferences was through the categories of products/companies. We decided to see if the sharks favored some categories over others when deciding whether or not to give the company a deal.

In order to do so, we first made a bar graph representing the categories and comparing the deal outcomes.

While this bar graph was helpful in visualizing the variations and distribution of the category variable as a whole, we decided that creating a proportional bar chart would help us compare the deal outcomes between the categories even more.

From these graphs, we can see that some categories tend to receive more deals (such as Storage and Cleaning, Automotive, and Beverages) while others tend to receive less deals (such as Consumer and Professional Services, Apparel, and Personal Care and Cosmetics). This implies that the sharks may find certain categories to be more profitable than others—maybe categories that seem less “trendy” and have more lasting power in the longterm. From the first graph, we can see that the number of companies per category does not have a large effect on whether companies in the category were more likely to get a deal or not; the categories Apparel, Consumer and Professional Services, Food, and Health and Fitness all have 50+ companies each, but Apparel and Consumer and Professional Services companies tend to proportionally get less deals, while Food and Health and Fitness companies tend to proportionally get more deals.

To see if these trends changed across seasons, we further visualized the categories by the season. We plotted a mosaic plot to examine whether certain categories tended to be more or less present depending on the season of the show (i.e. was there a season where one category of companies may have been more prominent than another?).

Based on the shading of the Pearson residuals, we can see that a couple of specific category-season combinations were significantly more or less represented: for instance, the food category was more represented during season 4, and the baby and child care category was more represented during season 5. Conversely, the apparel category was less represented during season 5. However, the facetted bar plot does not show any evidence of these category-season combinations being more or less favored for deals by the sharks.

However, when we run a chi-square test on the table, we get a p-value of 0.6801, which is greater than 0.05.

We determined the hypotheses as the following:

H0: there is an equal likeliness for a company to be in any category and in any season

HA: there is not an equal likeliness of a company to be in any category and in any season

As a result, we do not reject the null hypothesis; this means that we do not have sufficient evidence to suggest that, given any random company in the dataset, it is equally likely to be in a specific category or from a specific season.

##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  table(shark_tank$season, shark_tank$general_category)
## X-squared = 63.972, df = 70, p-value = 0.6801

We then recreated the proportional bar plot from before, but faceted by season, to see if any category was more heavily favored for deals during certain seasons compared to others.

Based on the 6 plots, we can see that there is some variation between season; for instance, every single automotive company from season 4 did get a deal while no automotive company from season 1 got a deal. However, analyzing this graph would require more context of how many companies from each category go onto the show each season; for instance, only 1 automotive company went on the show during season 1, and only 2 automotive companiees went on the the show during season 4. Thus, while there may be significance variation between some seasons’ deal outcomes for specific categories, the actual number of companies may not be greatly different.

Conclusion and Further Research

In our analysis, we explored the different companies that appeared in Shark Tank and explored relationships between different factors in determining whether or not a company gets a deal at the end.

We first explored the categories and valuations, and found that although there are certain categories that appear more, there are no correlations between the categories and company valuations. We then evaluated the trends between the categories, and found that certain categories may be more represented in certain seasons, but the category itself does not seem to affect the deal outcome significantly. And finally, we explored the possible factors of a company that influence the deal outcome, and found that the amount of money asked for and location of the company also have no significant influence on the deal outcome.

From our analyses, we found that though there are some notable mentions and outliers, there were no trends or relationships in most of the Shark Tank pitches and their respective outcomes. Based on these variables alone, we concluded that there is no determinant in whether or not a company gets a deal, other than simply having a good pitch and/or product.

We would have been able to further these findings with some additional variables, such as company popularity, age of company, which shark invested where, etc. These additions would have allowed us to determine if there really were other factors that influence the outcome of a Shark Tank episode. To add to our future work, we could also explore preferences more specifically with one or all of the Sharks. It would be interesting to see if certain sharks favor certain companies/categories with specific traits.