
Our project uses data from the American Kennel Club (AKC), which we obtained from TidyTuesday. The datasets contain data on various dog breeds, which includes information regarding physical characteristics, temperament, and popularity based on registration statistics with the AKC from 2013-2020. The data comprises three different sets: dog_ranks, dog_traits, akc_data.

Datasets and Variables:

dog_ranks: contains 195 rows. Each row represents the corresponding breed’s popularity ranking out of 190 breeds based on registration statistics with AKC from 2013-2020. There are 10 variables.

Breed: the AKC-registered dog breed

2013 Rank: the breed’s ranking in 2013

2014 Rank: the breed’s ranking in 2014

2015 Rank: the breed’s ranking in 2015

2016 Rank: the breed’s ranking in 2016

2017 Rank: the breed’s ranking in 2017

2018 Rank: the breed’s ranking in 2018

2019 Rank: the breed’s ranking in 2019

2020 Rank: the breed’s ranking in 2020

group: the breed’s group classification.

dog_traits: contains 195 rows. Each row represents the corresponding breed’s trait score on a 1 through 5 scale, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. There are 17 variables.

Breed: the AKC-registered dog breed

Affectionate With Family: the breed’s score corresponding to family affection.

Good With Young Children: the breed’s score corresponding to being good with young children.

Good With Other Dogs: the breed’s score corresponding to how well they get along with other dogs.

Shedding Level: the breed’s score corresponding to how much the breed sheds.

Coat Grooming Frequency: the breed’s score corresponding to how often they need to be groomed.

Drooling Level: the breed’s score corresponding to how much the breed drools.

Coat Type: the breed’s type of coat.

Coat Length: the breed’s coat length, designated by either short, medium, or long.

Openness To Strangers: the breed’s score corresponding to how open they are with strangers.

Playfulness Level: the breed’s score corresponding to how playful the breed is.

Watchdog/Protective Nature: the breed’s score corresponding to how protective they are.

Adaptability Level: the breed’s score corresponding to how adaptive they are.

Trainability Level: the breed’s score corresponding to how trainable they are.

Energy Level: the breed’s score corresponding to how energetic they are.

Bark Level: the breed’s score corresponding to how much they bark.

Mental Stimulation Needs: the breed’s score corresponding to how much mental stimulation they need.

akc_data: contains 278 rows. Each row represents the corresponding breed’s trait score on a 0 through 1 scale, there are also character variables representing qualitative traits. There are 4 quantative variables. There are 20 variables.

description : 1 to 3 paragraphs describing the breed

temperament : breed temperament described in keywords

popularity : popularity ranking (1-195)

min_height : minimum height in cm

max_height : maximum height in cm

min_weight : minimum weight in kg

max_weight : maximum weight in kg

min_expectancy : minimum life expectancy in years

max_expectancy : maximum life expectancy in years

group : one of 9 breed groups assigned by the akc (7 main groups and 2 extra)

grooming_frequency_value : A number representing the level of required grooming

grooming_frequency_category : A categorization of grooming requirements

shedding_value : A number representing the level of shedding

shedding_category : A categorization of shedding frequency

energy_level_value : A number representing the breed’s energy level

energy_level_category : A categorization of energy level

trainability_value : A number representing the breed’s trainability

trainability_category : A categorization of trainability

demeanor_value : A number representing the breed’s reaction to strangers and other pets

demeanor_category : A categorization of reaction to strangers and other pets

The main research questions of the project explore dog breed popularity trends in America across 2013 to 2020. We examined several factors of breeds, including size, temperament, suitability for different living environments, and ease of maintenance. We wanted to explore relationships across different dog breed traits and compatibility. Moreover, we wanted to see what kinds of characteristics of dog breeds have continued to be popular over time and examine their relationship with suitability and preferences for different types of people interested in having dogs.

Research Questions

Question 1: How has the popularity of dog breeds changed over time?

We wanted to learn more about what kinds of breeds are popular, suggesting with look at the distribution of groups of breeds.

The above graph suggests that distribution of group popularity has remained relatively unchanged from 2013 to 2020. Working, Sporting, and Toy dog breeds have remained the most popular, while Hound, Terrier, and Herding groups remained the least popular. As a result, there seem to not be significant shifts in breed type preferences among dog owners during the time period. Stability in the popularity of certain dog breed groups may be attributed to breed characteristics, which we further examine below.

We also wanted to look at the stability of the top-ranked dog breeds, suggesting we examine the breed rankings across 2013-2020 of the most consistently top-ranked breeds.

The above time-series plot demonstrates the three most popular dog breeds, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers, maintained consistent popularity from 2013 to 2019. French Bulldogs have surged in popularity ranking 11th in 2013 to 2nd in 2020. Overall, from 2013 to 2020, the top three most popular breeds remained relatively consistent until 2019, while the fourth through eighth most popular fluctuate across the period.


Through our analysis of dog breed popularity, temperament, and physical characteristics, we present the following findings:

Overall, from 2013 to 2020, the distribution of popular dog breeds remained relatively stable. Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers emerged as the top three breeds for seven consecutive years because of their friendliness, intelligence, and protective nature, with their grooming needs and size showing minimal influence on their popularity. One limitation of our research is that the AKC does not recognize any mixed dog-breeds. For example, goldendoodles and labradoodles, which rose in popularity during the 2010s.

Future Work

For future work, if we had a more updated dataset including popularity information for the years after 2020, we could conduct an analysis on dog popularity trends and characteristics pre-COVID and post-COVID. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, dog-owning households grew from 38% in 2016 to roughly 45% in 2020-2022. Because individuals and families were spending more time at home, there may have been changes in the personalities and physical traits of the popular dog breeds that were adopted, fostered, or owned during COVID. People might have had more time to dedicate to their pets during COVID, and thus, the trends in popular dog breeds and characteristics might have changed.