
Energy is the crucial foundation of society since the beginning of times and today there is a vast amount of different types of energy that are both renewable and non-renewable. In recent years there has been a push for more renewable energy sources as well energy sources to reduce the amount of greenhouse emissions. In this project we hope to be able to analyze what the trends across the World are for both renewable and non-renewable energy sources to determine global trends in energy type usage.


The dataset contains information about a vast array of energy information across the World. Its rows are individual data observation and its columns contain different countries across the world, the year of the observation, the greenhouse_gas_emissions, along with inforamtion about the annual percentage change in consumption (_cons_change_pct), annual change in consumption, measured in terawatt-hours (_cons_change_twh), per capita primary energy consumption, measured in kilowatt-hours (_cons_per_capita), primary energy consumption measured in terawatt-hours (_cons_per_capita), primary energy consumption measured in terawatt-hours (_consumption), per capita electricity generation measured in kilowatt-hours (_elec_per_capita), electricity generation measured in terawatt-hours (_electricity), share of electricity generation (_share_elec), share of primary energy consumption that (_share_energy) for each of the following types of energy: Biofuels, Coal, Fossil Fuels (Coal, Oil, Gas), Gas, Hydropower, Low-Carbon (Renewables and Nuclear), Nuclear, Oil, Other Renewables (Including Biofuels, Excluding Biofuels), Renewables, Solar, Wind.

Research Questions

Research Question 3: How does the United States compare to the rest of the World in regards to Energy Use?

Finally, we wanted to explore how the United States’ energy generation methods and greenhouse gas emissions compare to the rest of the world and explore some reasons why there may be differences.

Graph 3.1: Time Series of Greenhouse Gasses

For a initial comparison of greenhouse gas emissions between the United States and the World, we created a time series displaying both of the yearly greenhouse gas emissions in the 21th century.

From this graph, we can see two interesting results.

Firstly, we can see the opposite trends between the United States and the World. While the United States is decreasing their greenhouse gas emissions by about 25%, the total greenhouse gas emissions in the World have increased about 75% over the same time period. Looking at the line for the United States, we can see the consistent decrease in emissions after 2008. This is likely due to legislation in the US limiting the use of fossil fuels, lowering the legal quantities of carbon emissions, and incentives to adopt greener and renewable sources of energy production. On the other hand, the greenhouse gas emissions worldwide have rapidly increased in the recent decades. This is likely accounted for increased production in less developed country. One notable example would be China, which has massively increased its development and manufacturing, fueling mainly by large amount of fossil fuels.

Secondly, the percentage of greenhouse gas emissions accounted for by the United States has massively decreased over this time period. Of course, the previously mentioned factors also apply here, but another contributing factor would be the offloading of manufacturing to less developed countries. Instead of US companies meaningfully decreasing their emissions, they are instead increasing emissions of other countries.

We will further explore the move from fossil fuels to renewable sources in the United States as well as the general trends of energy sources in the next graph.

Graph 3.2: Bar Plot of Energy Sources

To continue exploring the reasons for the increased greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and the consistent decrease in the United States, we will compare energy production types in between them.

Generally, we can see the overall growth in renewable energy sources both worldwide and in the United States. Therefore, we need to look deeper within each bar plot why greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and in US are having such different trends.

Within the United States bar plot, we can see the increase in renewable energy sources, mostly in wind and solar. At the same time, fossil fuel generated electricity slightly decreases, which is almost completely attributed to the decrease in coal.

On the World bar plot, we can see a massive increase in both renewables and fossil fuels. There are similar increases in solar and wind, but an opposite trend in coal.

Given that energy usage is generally increasing and that renewables have even grown more in the World bar plot, we can assume that the United States is likely using the energy generation from other countries to lower their greenhouse gas emissions.

## # A tibble: 2 × 3
##    year country       net_elec_imports
##   <dbl> <chr>                    <dbl>
## 1  2000 United States             33.8
## 2  2021 United States             39.3

We can see here that the net electricity imports have gone up by about 5.5 TWh from 2000 to 2021, but this likely does not account for non-domestic energy usage. As a very consumerist society, many of the products used in the US are likely produced in countries will much higher greenhouse gas emissions.

To continuing examining the relationships of fossil fuels and renewable sources of electricity, we ran a linear regression model of greenhouse gas emissions with fossil fuels and renewables as predictors.

## Call:
## lm(formula = greenhouse_gas_emissions ~ fossil_electricity + 
##     renewables_electricity, data = .)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -53.176 -16.428   3.562  18.960  37.625 
## Coefficients:
##                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)            445.26657  211.56681   2.105   0.0489 *  
## fossil_electricity       0.65857    0.06935   9.496 1.20e-08 ***
## renewables_electricity  -0.65256    0.05430 -12.017 2.53e-10 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 27.96 on 19 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9815, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9796 
## F-statistic: 504.2 on 2 and 19 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

As you can see, for the United States in the 21th century, both fossil fuels and renewables have played a large part in the trend of greenhouse gas emissions, and are therefore both significant predictors of it (with an alpha value of 0.05).

Next, we can run the same linear regression model on the World.

## Call:
## lm(formula = greenhouse_gas_emissions ~ fossil_electricity + 
##     renewables_electricity, data = .)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -45.837 -17.683  -3.432   7.286  72.009 
## Coefficients:
##                          Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept)            169.928407  59.779372   2.843   0.0104 *  
## fossil_electricity       0.712101   0.007583  93.911   <2e-16 ***
## renewables_electricity  -0.023755   0.011404  -2.083   0.0510 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 32.19 on 19 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.9997, Adjusted R-squared:  0.9996 
## F-statistic: 2.914e+04 on 2 and 19 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

For the World, fossil fuels becomes an even more significant predictor of greenhouse gas emissions, while renewables are no longer as significant, becoming larger than our alpha value of 0.05.

These linear models in combination with the previous graphs gives us an obvious picture that while renewables and fossil fuels have contributed largely to the decrease in greenhouse gas emissions in the US. On the other hand, we can also see that the large increase in renewable energies in the World have not significantly affected the greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, we can confidently say that the increase in energy demand is much higher than the increase in renewable energies.

Overall, we can see that compared to the rest of the World, the United States has embraced renewable sources of energy and significantly reduced their greenhouse gas emissions. Although these strides towards a more sustainable future are good, we should be aware of the caveats that the data shows us. Many US companies have continuously used more overseas manufacturing and net electricity imports have significantly increased in the last 2 decades.


Overall, we found some meaningful trends that aligned with our interests of exploring this dataset. Through initial EDA, reducing dimensions with PCA and MDS, making general comparison graphs, and more, we were able to provide insights into our research questions of interest. However, there were drawbacks with some of the choices we made; while we made important general observations, due to the sheer size and nature of our data, we could not make absolutely precise graphs that narrowed down too many specific energy sources, countries, or even statistical numbers. For example, the MDS plots when exploring population and GDP couldn’t display proper contour lines or even many variables from the dataset. We do maintain that exploring some of these further would be within the scope of a larger project.

However, we ultimately made well-supported analyses that not only built on each other, but demonstrated that we can draw relevant conclusions from complex data. The graphs we produced directly answered our questions about greenhouse gas emissions, categorization of countries, and the role of the U.S. specifically in comparison to the world. We aimed to provide complements and supplements to individual graphs such that our conclusions were as supported and accurate as possible. As a result of this, we were able to infer and learn a lot about the energy of the world - the right skew of all energy sources, the most efficient countries emitting the least greenhouse gasses, the relationship of population and GDP in the context of energy and emissions, and how our country plays a role in transitioning to cleaner energy use.

Future Directions

We have identified several points of future work that are listed in this section. First, a more granular analysis of energy consumption patterns at a regional level within countries could reveal localized trends and barriers to adopting renewable energy sources. This would require more detailed data on regional infrastructure and policies, which were beyond the scope of the dataset currently. Second, we intend to apply more nuanced statistical techniques, such as machine learning models, to predict future energy consumption trends based on historical data and policy changes. This approach was not utilized in the current project due to the complexity of these models and time constraints. Lastly, examining the impact of international trade on national energy consumption and emissions could provide insights into the global dynamics of energy use. These avenues would enhance our understanding of global energy consumption patterns and their implications for sustainability.