
Understanding the factors that influence wine quality is crucial for winemakers seeking to optimize production and enhance consumer satisfaction. By analyzing the relationships between key physicochemical properties—such as volatile acidity, alcohol content, and sulphates—and wine quality, we can uncover actionable insights that guide decision-making in winemaking processes. This report leverages advanced analytical techniques, including feature importance analysis, pairwise visualizations, and regression modeling, to identify the most significant predictors of wine quality, explore how these variables interact, and investigate patterns among extreme outliers. These analyses not only provide a deeper understanding of what drives wine quality but also offer practical recommendations for improving both consistency and excellence in wine production.


The Wine Quality Dataset, sourced from the UCI Machine Learning Repository, contains physicochemical and sensory data for red and white variants of the Portuguese “Vinho Verde” wine. The dataset is widely used for exploratory data analysis, statistical modeling, and machine learning tasks to understand the factors influencing wine quality.

Key Attributes:

  1. fixed.acidity (continuous): The fixed acid content, primarily tartaric acid, contributes to the wine’s taste and stability.
  2. volatile.acidity (continuous): Volatile acids, such as acetic acid, can cause an unpleasant vinegar taste at higher concentrations.
  3. citric.acid (continuous): Adds freshness and enhances the flavor balance of the wine.
  4. residual.sugar (continuous): The sugar left after fermentation; higher levels result in sweeter wines.
  5. chlorides (continuous): The salt content; excessive chloride can negatively impact the taste.
  6. free.sulfur.dioxide (continuous): The portion of sulfur dioxide that protects wine from microbial growth and oxidation.
  7. total.sulfur.dioxide (continuous): Total sulfur dioxide level; excessive amounts can lead to undesirable aromas.
  8. density (continuous): The density of wine, influenced by alcohol and sugar content.
  9. pH (continuous): The measure of acidity; determines wine stability and shelf life.
  10. sulphates (continuous): A wine preservative that contributes to antimicrobial stability and enhances flavor.
  11. alcohol (continuous): Alcohol content in the wine, which influences its body and flavor.
  12. quality (ordinal): The wine’s quality rating on a scale of 0 to 10, determined by sensory evaluation.
  13. type (categorical): Indicates whether the wine is Red or White.

Dataset Characteristics:

  • Size: 6,497 instances (1,599 red wines and 4,898 white wines).
  • Goal: To identify and quantify the key physicochemical properties that influence wine quality and develop predictive models to guide production and quality optimization.


This dataset is suitable for :

  • Determining the key physicochemical factors that influence wine quality.

  • Comparing the quality of red and white wines.

  • Developing predictive models for wine quality ratings.

  • Gaining insights into winemaking processes and consumer preferences.

Research Questions

  1. What chemical components are the strongest predictors of wine quality, and does this vary between red and white wines?

  2. How do the top 3 important variables (volatile acidity, alcohol content, and sulphates) interact to predict wine quality across different quality levels and wine types?

  3. Are there any extreme outlier samples in the dataset that exhibit unusually high or low quality scores? Does the amount of key chemical properties differ in these outliers, especially the top three important variables (volatile acidity, alcohol content, and sulphates)?


1. The Strongest Predictor of Wine Quality

A. Correlation Heatmap of Wine Attributes

Based on the first research question, we decide to produce one heat map plot that illustrates the orders of chemical components’ importance in predicting wine quality.

The correlation heatmap provides valuable insights into the relationships between wine quality and its physicochemical attributes. The strongest positive correlation with quality is observed for alcohol, as indicated by the deep red color, reinforcing its role as a significant predictor of wine quality. This aligns with previous analyses showing alcohol as one of the top-ranked features influencing quality. Similarly, sulphates also exhibit a moderately positive correlation with quality, highlighting their importance in enhancing wine’s sensory attributes. Conversely, volatile acidity shows a notable negative correlation with quality, indicated by the darker blue, suggesting that higher levels of this property are detrimental to wine quality. Other attributes, such as density and residual sugar, have weaker correlations with quality, suggesting a less direct role in predicting overall quality. Interestingly, the relationships among attributes, such as the strong positive correlation between free sulfur dioxide and total sulfur dioxide, reflect how these properties interact chemically to influence wine preservation and flavor. Overall, the heatmap underscores alcohol and volatile acidity as critical predictors, while other attributes provide supporting roles, either enhancing or detracting from overall quality.

B. Feature Importance in Predicting Wine Quality

Furthermore, we want to confirm our interpretations from the heat map by producing a general bar plot on the chemical components that predict the wine quality.

This graph directly addresses the research question by identifying the strongest predictors of wine quality. It sets the stage for understanding which chemical components matter most before exploring broader patterns or relationships. Volatile acidity emerges as the most significant factor, indicating that higher levels of volatile acidity are strongly associated with changes in wine quality, likely due to its impact on the sensory perception of the wine. Alcohol content follows closely, highlighting its importance in balancing flavor and body, which are key aspects of wine quality.Other significant predictors include sulphates, which are associated with wine preservation and mouthfeel, and total sulfur dioxide, which affects freshness and stability. Less influential factors like chlorides and citric acid play minor roles, suggesting they have a minimal direct impact on overall quality.The rankings indicate that chemical components influencing aroma, taste, and preservation are most critical, while structural components (e.g., density and pH) are less influential.

This plot is particularly informative because it succinctly ranks the predictors, allowing for a quick understanding of their relative contributions to wine quality. It provides actionable insights for winemakers: for example, focusing on optimizing volatile acidity and alcohol content during production could have the most significant impact on perceived quality.Moreover, by visually comparing the importance of predictors, this plot highlights areas where adjustments may yield diminishing returns (e.g., fine-tuning citric acid levels). The ranking format simplifies complex multivariate relationships into an easily interpretable form, directly addressing the question of what matters most for quality improvement.

C. Density Plot of Quality Ratings by Wine Type

In addition, after identifying key predictors, we deicde to apply the density plot as it provides context about how wine quality differs between red and white wines. It helps the audience see broader trends and distributions, linking wine type to quality variability

The density plot shows the distribution of quality ratings for red and white wines, highlighting notable differences in their quality characteristics. The white wine distribution peaks around a quality rating of 6, suggesting that most white wines fall within the moderate-to-high quality range. The red wine distribution, while also peaking at a similar rating, appears slightly narrower, indicating less variability in quality compared to white wines. Additionally, the density plot shows that white wines have a greater representation in both higher (ratings above 7) and lower quality scores (ratings below 5) compared to red wines, which exhibit a more consistent clustering near the average. This suggests that while white wines may offer a broader spectrum of quality, red wines tend to be more uniform in their quality ratings. Such insights could be critical for producers seeking to improve the consistency or quality spectrum of their offerings, particularly for white wines, where there is greater variability.

2. The Effects of The Interactions of The Top Three Important Variables

A. Pairs Plot of Volatile Acidity, Alcohol, and Sulphates Grouped by Wine Type

We started by examining the distributions and pairwise relationships of the top three important variables in predicting wine quality grouped by wine type, to understand their individual trends and how they relate to wine quality.

The pairs plot reveals that red wines exhibit higher levels of volatile acidity and sulphates, while white wines tend to have higher alcohol content. In terms of correlations with wine quality, volatile acidity shows a strong negative relationship, particularly in red wines (Corr = -0.202, p < 0.001), whereas alcohol content demonstrates a weak positive correlation with quality for both wine types. Additionally, sulphates positively correlate with wine quality, with a stronger effect observed in red wines. Overall, this visualization highlights key patterns and establishes that volatile acidity, alcohol, and sulphates significantly influence wine quality.

B. Heatmap of Feature Interactions and Quality Ratings

Next, we want to visualize how combinations of volatile acidity and alcohol influence wine quality, focusing on interactions between these variables.

The heatmap reveals that high wine quality is associated with low volatile acidity and high alcohol content, while low alcohol content, particularly when combined with high volatile acidity, results in lower quality ratings. These relationships are non-linear, with distinct optimal ranges for both variables. This visualization complements the pairs plot by illustrating how the interaction between volatile acidity and alcohol impacts wine quality.

C. Statistical Analysis: Multiple Linear Regression

Finally, we want to quantify the individual contributions of volatile acidity, alcohol, and sulphates to wine quality using a multiple linear regression model.

Summary of Multiple Linear Regression: Predicting Wine Quality
Term Estimate Std. Error Statistic P-value
(Intercept) 2.8425147 0.1061390 26.781047 0.0000000
volatile.acidity -1.6011998 0.0749915 -21.351762 0.0000000
alcohol 0.3184272 0.0077680 40.992110 0.0000000
sulphates 0.4857448 0.0719445 6.751658 0.0000000
typeWhite -0.1050551 0.0319681 -3.286246 0.0010207

The regression model results confirm the findings from the visualizations, showing that alcohol content is the strongest positive predictor of wine quality (Estimate = 0.318, p < 0.001), while volatile acidity has a significant negative impact (Estimate = -1.602, p < 0.001). Sulphates also contribute positively, though to a lesser extent (Estimate = 0.486, p < 0.001). The residual plot reveals no discernible patterns, indicating a good model fit and validating the conclusions drawn from the analysis.

3. Investigation of Extreme Outliers

A. Outliers of Unusually High or Low Quality Scores

We identify the extreme outliers of unusually high or low quality scores by calculating z-scores for these quality scores. Extreme outliers are defined to be samples with z-scores greater than 3 or less than -3, indicating that these sample points are three standard deviations away from the average and thus statistically rare. Thus, to extract the outliers, we first perform “mutate(wine, quality_zscore = scale(quality))” to obtain the z-score for each quality score in dataset wine. Then, the set of z-scores for quality scores is filtered through the call “filter(wine, (quality_zscore > 3 | quality_zscore < -3))” to retain only these extreme outliers. To study the key chemical components (volatile acidity, alcohol content, and sulphates) of these extreme outliers, we create a scatter plot with alcohol content on the x-axis and sulphates on the y-axis. Additionally, the outlier points are colored by volatile acidity to visualize their distribution and highlight patterns among these critical components. Through the scatterplot of outliers, we find that most of the extreme outlier points have sulphates values lower than 0.7 and volatile acidity values lower than 1.2. In contrast, the values of alcohol content for extreme outliers display more even distribution. Moreover, in this graph, we can find that most outliers with higher alcohol content generally have lower sulphates, while those with lower alcohol content tend to show higher sulphates, indicating a potential negative relationship between alcohol content and sulphates for outliers.

B. Key Chemical Components of these outliers, Specifically Volatile Acidity, Alcohol Content, and Sulphates

The PCA plot reveals how the outlier wines differ based on their key chemical properties: volatile acidity, alcohol content, and sulphates. As we can see from the PCA plot, most outlier points form a cluster at the top half of the graph. This suggests that most extreme outliers tend to keep similar amounts of the three key chemical components, volatile acidity, alcohol content and sulphates. Although most outliers points seem to cluster together in the PCA plot, there are still some outliers that spread across the lower part of the plot. The separation of these points indicates distinct compositions of key chemical components in these distant outliers. Therefore, through this plot, we can see uniformity as well as differences in the three key components among the outliers.

C. Correlation Between Key Chemical Components in Outliers

From our analysis in part (A), we have discovered that there might be a potential negative relationship between alcohol content and sulphates. In this section, we will use the grid heat map to check our hypothesis. As we can see from the grid heat map, the extreme outlier points are most densely packed in areas with low alcohol content and high sulphates as well as high alcohol content and low sulphates. Additionally, we can see from the summary that the coefficient for alcohol is -0.03361, indicating a weak negative relationship. Therefore, we’ve successfully proven the existence of a potential negative relationship between alcohol content and sulphates.

Summary of Linear Regression between Alcohol Content and Sulphates for Outliers
Term Estimate Std. Error Statistic P-value
(Intercept) 0.8532977 0.1639181 5.205633 0.0000101
alcohol -0.0336067 0.0155051 -2.167459 0.0375150


Our analysis highlights key insights into the chemical determinants of wine quality and their variability among red and white wines. We have identified volatile acidity, alcohol content, and sulphates as the key chemical components of quality. The results of our research questions indicate that alcohol content positively influences quality, while volatile acidity negatively impacts it, with sulphates playing a supporting role. Notably, white wines exhibit more variability in quality compared to red wines.

Additionally, our study of outliers reveals patterns in the distribution of key chemical properties, including a potential negative relationship between alcohol content and sulphates among extreme outliers. The PCA plot and grid heatmap analyses further demonstrate how these key chemical components interact to influence quality, with clusters suggesting consistent patterns for most outliers but distinct variations for a few.


Although our study thoroughly investigates the impact of key chemical components and their pairwise interactions, still some limitations exist. Firstly, our selected dataset is limited to Portuguese “Vinho Verde” wines, which may restrict the generalizability of our findings to other wine types or regions. Secondly, in the dataset, the quality ratings rely on sensory evaluations, which can be subjective and may not fully capture the complexity of wine quality. Thirdly, speaking of the interaction effects, while our models identified key predictors, they may not fully account for non-linear or higher-order interactions between variables. Last but not least, the sample size of extreme outliers in our dataset is small, which can potentially limit the robustness of conclusions about these cases.

Future steps

Specific modifications can be made in the future. Firstly, to obtain a better dataset, we can incorporate data from other wine types and regions to validate the findings and assess their broader applicability. Secondly, instead of simply utilizing linear regression model to analyze, we can choose more advanced machine learning models, such as random forests or gradient boosting to conduct our analysis for better capture more complicated interactions among predictors. Thirdly, we can integrate our current dataset with more detailed sensory evaluations, such as aroma and flavor profiles, to create a holistic quality metric. Fourthly, besides our current research problems, we can dig deeper into how wine quality and chemical properties evolve over time, especially for aging wines. Eventually, we can also study the alignment between physicochemical properties, expert evaluations, and consumer preferences to provide more valuable insights suggestions about improvement for winemakers.