Poster Presentations
Deadline for Submissions: September 1, 2005
on Submitting Abstracts for Contributed Papers
Contributed papers must emphasize
the scientific or technological context. In particular, the title should
reflect this, and the abstract should begin with a brief description of
the applied setting before saying anything about the statistical methodology.
The abstract should make it apparent that the methods were applied to
solve a real problem. For contributed papers we require the use of Bayesian
methods, but there does not have to be any particular novelty in the methods
themselves. Of greatest interest are those applications that illuminate
useful methods, or point out where there are shortcomings and where further
methodological development would be helpful.
For examples of abstract titles from previous workshops, see here.
Online Submission of Abstracts
(contributed papers)
Listed below is the format for
abstracts for contributed papers. You may edit the text inside the window
below and then press SUBMIT to send it. You should replace the sample
information with the correct information. Confirmation of receipt of the
abstract will be sent to the email address you provide.