Related Awards during Node Cycle
- Bill Eddy: 2016 Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Research, awarded by NISS
- Steve Fienberg: one of two recipients of the 2016 Zellner Medal, awarded by ISBA
- Rebecca Nugent
- 2015 ASA Waller Education Award (for innovation in statistics education)
- 2015 William H. and Frances S. Ryan Award for Meritorious Teaching (Carnegie Mellon)
- 2015 ASA Pittsburgh Chapter Statistician of the Year
- 2013 Elliott Dunlap Smith Award for Distinguished Teaching and Educational Service (Carnegie Mellon)
- Sam Ventura
- 2016 Classification Society Distinguished Dissertation Honorable Mention
- Three-Minute Thesis Competition (CMU), 3rd place (2015)
- 2015 Carnegie Mellon Statistics Student of the Year
- Maria Cuellar
- 2016 Wray Jackson Smith Award, awarded by ASA Section on Government Statistics
- 2016 Carnegie Mellon Heinz College Duncan Award
- Mauricio Sadinle
- 2014 Wray Jackson Smith Award, awarded by ASA Section on Government Statistics
- 2014,2010 Student Paper Competition Winner, awarded by ASA Sections on Social Statistics, Government Statistics, and Survey Research Methods Section
New York Times, March 2013 (Web Privacy)
Carnegie Mellon Today magazine
News Flash
Partnering with Human Rights Data Analysis Group (Syrian Casualty Reporting)
Press Release
CBS 60 Minutes piece, May 2013 (face recognition privacy work)