How to Surf Through School

How to Surf Through School

Originally based on: Pittsburgh Post Gazette, Eleanor Chute, September 13, 1997

Sections: English     Social Studies/Geography     Government     US History     Other History     Math     Astronomy & Space     Chemistry     Earth Science     General Science     Life Science     Physics     Spanish     French     Philosophy     Art     College & Career     Miscellaneous     Still Stumped?

State of Writing Writing Resources
A+ Research and Writing How to research papers
On-Line Books Links to 5000 on-line books
Antistudy Book Notes Character lists and chapter summaries of many books
Free Book Notes Discussions of many books
Glossary of Rhetorical Terms With Examples
The Forest of Rhetoric: silva rhetoricae Helps beginners, as well as experts, make sense of rhetoric
Symbolism Dictionary Word listings of symbolism in literature
Christian Symbols Alphabetical index and brief, informative definitions
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation For the grammatically confused & the punctuation impaired
ProWriting Partner Guide to Grammar and Writing
The Short and Concise Plagiarism Guide for Students Types of plagiarism and how to avoid it
Australian Help: Grammar An annotated collection of grammar and writing resources from around the web
Academized's English Grammar Handbook Succinct help on key topics
Chicago Manual of Style FAQ Capitalization, numbers, citations to electronic resources, etc.
Common Grammar Mistakes Most common mistakes and how to avoid them
English Grammar Grammar lessons, exercises, and rules for everyday use
Grammar Guide How to improve your spelling, punctuation and writing
Victorian Dictionary Paints the social history of nineteenth century Victorian London
Guide to Logical Fallacies Categorizes and explains logical fallacies
Library Guide to English & Literature Categories and word searches
Children's Literature Web Guide Information on children's books
Modern American Poetry A collection of over 150 poets
World Wide Words The English language - its history, quirks, curiosities and evolution
Shakespeare Mystery Who was Shakespeare?
Christopher Marlowe Plays, poetry, translations
Novel Resource Guide and Literary Analysis Chapter summaries, character profiles, metaphor analysis, theme analyses, and author biographies
Shakespeare Illustrated Explores 19th century paintings, criticism and productions of Shakespeare's plays
Argumentation and critical thinking Tutorial on critical thinking and arguments
Film terms Filmmaking glossary
Mythology Nice versions of many fables
Norse Mythology Links to lots of resources
Greek Mythology The world of Greek gods and heroes
Horn Book Virtual History Exhibit A site for all fans of children's literature to peruse!
U.N. maps Over 100 general maps of the world available in PDF format
National Geographic Maps and information
Free Rice Map based game after using Change Subject and choosing Geography
Map Puzzles U.S. and world map puzzles
CIA World Factbook Information of every country in the world
State and county quick facts People, business, and geographics facts
The Largest Cities of the World Maps and lists of city agglomerations bigger than 1 million
Country watch Countries: basic data, profiles, news
Lonely Planet Travel guides
National Park Service Parks' histories, natural resourses, facilities
Washington D.C. History and architecture
India News, business, government, music, sports
Antarctica Life, environment, humans, history
Copenhagen, Denmark Pictures and links
PictureAustralia Database of images of historical & contemporary Australiana
Vietnam Experience by combat veterans Poetry, stories and photos
Armenia Geography, population, history, religion, language, etc.
Encyclopedia of the Celts Encyclopedia of legends, mythology, tales, and history
Ben's Guide A Kid's Guide to the U.S. Government
Presidential Powers What can the president do?
U.S. Constitution for Kids Timeline, components, and activities
Thomas Project Congress including bills + historical documents
The Whitehouse Federal government, presidential history
Supreme Court Official site
Supreme Court (Cornell) Decisons and current cases
Supreme Court (Oyez project multimedia) Biographical information on every Supreme Court Justice ever
Currency Links to sites about U.S. money
FBI kids page Internet safety, drug safety, DNA, fingerprints, polygraph testing, etc.
How does the government work? About the three US government branches
U.S. History
Pennsylvania Stories, lesson plans, historic markers
Best of History Web Sites Categorized and ranked
AmDocs A directory of primary documents available on the Web
America's Library Primary sources from the Library of Congress
American Memory Searchable photographs, documents, sounds
Newspaper History History of newspapers in US and UK
How Much Is That Worth Today? Compare the value of an amount of money between any 2 times
Women's History Month Links from
American Women US Womens' History and Culture
Women of Our Time Photos and short bios from National Portrait Gallery
Women of the Century American women by decade or subject area plus quote quiz
Dred Scott Digital Project Digital images & transcriptions of 85 original documents
Two Communities in the American Civil War One Northern, one Southern community through the Civil War
American Civil War Resource documents from the civil war
Starr Center History Links Topics include Early Republic, Civil War, etc.
1492: An Ongoing Voyage The real story of Columbus
Chronology of US Historical Documents Primary sources from pre-colonial to present
Picturing the Century: 100 Years of Photography Documentary of 20th century America
American History Colonial to modern times by Dutch students
Alcatraz History, flora and fauna
I Do Solemnly Swear 400 items from each of the 62 inaugurations
Internet Guide to Presidents Suggested by the kids at the W. B. Goodwin Community Center
Presidents and First Ladies Many links to all presidents and first ladies
Presidents of the United States Information about current & past presidents
First ladies of the U.S. Official site
George Washington & Mount Vernon Biographical information, photos, archeology
Roosevelt, Franklin D. -- 1882-1945 Photographs, sound/video, & other primary resources
Thomas Jefferson Online exhibition follows Thomas Jefferson's intellectual growth
Eisenhower Biography, speeches, etc.
Built in America Historic American Buildings Survey/Engineering Records
Voices Presidents and other famous people
Online Audio Recordings Listen to speeches and lectures by famous people
All-American Girls Professional Baseball History, team rosters & photos
Black History Links to black history sites
African American World PBS tries to cover all things Black
Martin Luther King, Jr. Biography, holiday, photos, sound clips, etc.
Civil Rights Photography Charles Moore's photos from the late 1950s and early 1960s
Underground Railroad Histories, bibliography, links
Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania History Includes 42 oral history interviews
Suffragists Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony
National Women's Hall of Fame Famous women of the past and present
Women in World History Rulers, heroines, books, etc.
Library of Congress Historical documents, photos, sounds
Pacific Northwest digital collection Photographs & documents on history, science & cultures of Alaska & the Pacific Northwest
American Indians of the Pacific Northwest Extensive collection of more than 2,300 photographs and 3,800 pages of text
Donner Party History of the tragedy with diaries, letters, etc.
Interactive Santa Fe Trail Links to maps, pictures, book lists and reviews, etc.
Other History
Best of History Web Sites Categorized and ranked
Biographies 20,000 famous people worldwide
Timelines of ... History, science, arts, pop culture, sci fi
The History Net Online museum of history--changes weekly
Iraqi Jewish Archive Material saved from Sadam Hussein's basement!
European Monarchies Genealogies by counrty
Newspaper History History of newspapers in US and UK
Athena Review Journal of Archaeology, History, & Exploration
Theban Mapping Project Valley of the Kings' tombs
Stone Age Reference Collection Guide to the typology, technology, & raw materials of the Paleolithic
Mad Monarchs Series Biographies of royalty who developed extreme behavior
Alexander the Great Wide variety of links
Footnotes to History Nations you didn't learn about in high school geography
Herodotus On The Web Over 200 resources on the 5th century historian &anp; author of The Histories
Scotland BBC series; ancient to modern
The Code of Hammurabi Full text and commentary
Anne Frank, the Writer Many photos and writings other than the diary
Florence Nightengale Original letters with transcriptions
1915 Panama World's Fair Photographs, memorabilia, a map, architecture, attractions
Online Audio Recordings Listen to speeches and lectures by famous people
The Story of Africa History of the continent from an African perspective (BBC)
African Voices Global influence of Africa's peoples and cultures
Peoples and Cultures of Africa Aesthetics, beliefs, and histories of West African cultures
French Revolution Essays, images, docs, songs, maps & timeline
Alexander Palace All about Nicholas II, last Tsar of Russia
History Channel Great speeches audio; historical info including holocaust
Holocaust Extensive, categorized links
A-Bomb WWW Museum Japanese site; includes survivors' stories
Marshal Plan Timeline, photos, political cartoons, maps, etc.
The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization (PBS) Ancient Greek history, culture, politics, art, & warfare
Mediaeval Europe Tons of links
Math Fun Facts By math category
A view from the back of the envelope Approximation, and some of the fun it enables
Drexel Math Forum Resources, teaching math, ask Dr. Math
The Prime Pages Explanation & history of prime numbers, examples, etc.
Astronomy and Space
Backyard Astronomy Basics How to get started and what to look for
Nine Planets Info and photos on planets and spacecraft
Constellations Constellations and their stars
NASA NASA space programs
Johnson Space Center: History Portal Overall history and by program
HyperChemistry Info by topics and subtopics
Multimedia Chemistry Movies, animations and narrations
Chemistry Tutor (Thinkquest) Reactions, measurements, equations, gases, periodic table
Chemistry Tutor (Frostburg) College level lessons, glossary, quizzes
Simple, Common & Interesting Molecules Minerals; Elements; Vitamins; Medicines etc.
What's that stuff? Fireworks, shampoo, ink, etc.
Earth Science
Ask a Geologist E-mail questions to a U.S. Geological Survey scientist
ONR Oceanography Currents, habitats, life, etc.
Mineral Gallery Scientific listing of minerals by class
USGS Learning Web Earthquakes, radon, water, rain
General Science
Profiles in Science Biographies of modern scientists
Science Fair Resources Links from LSU Libraries
Science Hobbyist Amateur science, bookstore, science fair ideas, weird science, etc.
Life Science
Biology Resources and Links (SDSU) Over 500 links on biology, biotechnology, diseases, evolution & microbiology
Phylogeny of Life Detailed guide to relationships of taxa
DNA Interactive Great animated tour of genetics
Biology in Motion Fun online learning activities
Plants in Motion Lots of videos of plant motion
Online Biology Book Chapters, practice problems, and quizzes
Harvard's Biology Links By subject area
Fish & Wildlife Images Searchable public domain images
Introduction to the Plant Kingdom Illustrations, photographs, glossary, bibliography, links
Stalking the Mysterious Microbe Cases, news, experiments, careers
Amphibian Identification Guide Amphibians of North America north of Mexico
Microscopy Light and Electron Microscopy; Java SEM
Kids Health Articles and games on health
American Zoo and Aquarium Association Links to member zoos and aquariums
Fish FAQ How fish breathe, eat, and swim; fishing; endangered species
AmphibiaWeb Species descriptions, life history information, photos
Endangered Species Fact Sheets Law, success stories, fact sheets
Nature Serve Online encylopedia of life
Electronic Zoo Info on domestic and wild animals
Franklin Institute Classifying animals, ecosystem, cells, life cycles
Environmental Protection Agency Kids', students', and teachers' areas
World Environment Library Agriculture, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Environmental Impact Assessment, Energy, Health, Natural Resources, Policy, Sustainable Development, Waste Management & Water
Grist Magazine Online environmental magazine
Protected Marine Species Biological, political, and career links
Vascular Plant Gallery over 8800 plant images
Whale watching web Clearing house for all cetacean sites
Marine Mammal Education Whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, walruses, manatees, and dugongs
TIPS Tobacco Information and Prevention Source
Biomes Climate, vegetation, distribution, fauna, soil, growthforms, photos, maps, & glossary
Physics classroom Teaches basic physics concepts
Niels Bohr Institute Pictures and history of Bohr and early 20th century physics
Center for the History of Physics Stories and photographs
Nikola Tesla Life, times & legacy of the scientist, inventor and visionary
Aeronautics Internet Textbook Principles of aeronautics for elementary & middle school children
NASA microgravity home page Photos, stories, and experimental results
Electronics for Beginners Tutorial for beginners (also intermediate level)
The Page of Entropy A brief and clear explanation of the principles of the second law of thermodynamics
Spanish Language Links Culture, dictionaries, pen pals, software, etc.
La Pagina del Idioma Espanol Diccionarios, gramatica, literatura, traduccion, etc.
Guide to the web in Spanish Links to Web tutorials, dictionaries, encyclopedias, news services, etc.
Latin American Network Information Center Latin American education, media, economics, etc
Ethnic Newswatch Full-text of newspapers, magazines & journals of ethnic, minority & native press
Argentina Links (lanic) Search by word or category
Argentina Links (Aldo) Links to newspapers, Internet radio and web directories
Study abroad Schools, internships, volunteer positions, etc.
Study abroad Information on programs and sponsoring organizations for people planning to study abroad
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Biography & texts incl. Don Quixote + Don Quixote dictionary
French Grammar Parts of speech, humorous dialogues & exercises
Interactive Activities Reading, writing and listening by year
Episteme: Philosophy Resources on the Internet Thousands of links; main sections are Philosophers & Topics/Traditions
Art and Artists
Timelines of Art History By time, region and subregionk
National Portrait Gallery, London Search and view artwork
Art history Links by period, location or type
Painting Links to styles, techniques, museums, etc.
Mythic Art Contemporary art and literature rooted in folklore and myth
Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries Rhe history of Mexican art 42,000 North American painters, sculptors, & illustrators
College and Career
Choosing a College Colleges, universities, financial aid
Occupational Outlook Handbook BLS statistics on current and future job markets
Secrets of the SAT Role of the & how it could affect students' academic futures
Tales from the Electronic Frontier Teachers describe use of Internet for K-12 science/math
AJR News Link Links to newspaper, mags, tv, radio from American Journalism Review
Discovery Channel Topics related to shows in history, technology, science
Public Broadcasting System Info and activities on characters in TV shows
Smithsonian Institution Info on 24 museums, research centers, and affiliates
ECHO Exploring & collecting history online: Science & Technology
Women's Human Rights Resources Education, equality, feminist theory, health, etc.
Still Stumped?
Carnegie Library of Pgh
Discovery Education's Resources for Teachers
STEM Resources
Docurated Resources Online Collaborative Learning Tools for Teachers and Educators
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence Links to arts, ed. tech., languages, etc.
Find How: Education Educational How-to's
Kathy Schrock's Guide Links on Educational Technology
ALA resources American Library Association
Internet Public Library
Digital Librarian
Librarians' Index

All links active 12/20/2007. Please report missing links to

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