The is the README file for VisCalc2.1, which allows manual visual classification of trajectories. To setup, load R from (tested on version 2.7). R is easier to use if you choose custom installation then accept all of the defaults except change "sdi" to "mdi" (multiple document interface). Also, it is best to put each project in a separate folder, with a copy of the R shortcut in that folder. Then right-click on the shortcut, and change the Properties so that the "Start-In" value is the full name of the folder. Once you have a folder with an R shortcut, download the VisClust files into that folder and put your data file into that folder. The data file must be a csv (comma separted values) file, which can be created in most programs using "File / Save As" menu and choosing ".csv" as the file type. Data may be either in the "tall" format with one line per observation, or the "wide" format with one line per subject. The VisClust program will prompt you to describe your data format. To get started, click the R shortcut icon. Then choose "File / Source R code..." from the menu, then choose VisClustStart.R. You will be asked a question about whether you want to continue with an old analysis; choose "no" perform a new analysis. Then follow the program prompts. Note that when you get to the actual visual trajectory analysis there is a help button with more detailed instructions. When you quit working on your data and are returned to the R prompt, either repeat the "File / Source R code..." to start again or "File / Exit" to end R. Usually you will answer "yes" to the "save" question.