\[ \newcommand{\Expect}[1]{\mathbb{E}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\Var}[1]{\mathrm{Var}\left[ #1 \right]} \newcommand{\Prob}[1]{\Pr\left( #1 \right)} \newcommand{\OperatingPoint}{\vec{x}_0} \newcommand{\BallRadius}{d} \newcommand{\TrueRegFunc}{\mu} \newcommand{\EstRegFunc}{\widehat{\TrueRegFunc}} \DeclareMathOperator*{\argmin}{argmin} \]
Let’s fix our setting. We have a data set of \(n\) data-points, items, cases or units. Each item is represented by a vector of variables or features, which we have somehow decided are the important information we want to keep track of about the item, generally in numerical form. There are \(p\) of these features we want to use as predictors. Following the usual notation for regression courses, we’ll write this as an \(n\times p\) matrix \(\mathbf{x}\); the vector for data-point or item \(i\) will be \(\vec{x}_i\). Beyond these features, we have an additional variable for each item that we want to predict, based on the features. We’ll write it \(y_i\) for data-point \(i\), compiled into the \(n\times 1\) matrix \(\mathbf{y}\) (again, this is regression notation). This variable is called the label, outcome, target, output or (oddly) dependent variable (sometimes the predictand [“thing to be predicted” in Latin] or regressand).
A prediction here is going to be a function of the features which outputs a guess (“point prediction”) about the outcome or label.
How good is the guess?
This expected error on new data is called the risk. In predictive modeling, we want to learn functions with low risk.
There’s an optimal function, i.e., one which has a lower risk than any other function.
Even the optimal function will not, in general, have zero risk.
Unfortunately, the optimal function depends on the true distribution generating the data. So does the risk of the optimal function. What we want, then, is some way of estimating a function from the data which can learn what the true function is, or at least learn to predict almost as well as the true function, without having to know in advance too much about that function.
This is where nearest neighbors comes in.
In this context, “distance” always refers to distances between the \(p\)-dimensional feature vectors. The nearest neighbor of a vector \(\OperatingPoint\) is the \(\vec{x}_i\) closest to it. The \(k\) nearest neighbors are the \(k\) vectors \(\vec{x}_i\) closest to \(\OperatingPoint\). (Notice that these definitions make sense whether or not \(\OperatingPoint\) is also one of the \(\vec{x}_i\).) We will often need a way of keeping track of the indices of the neighbors, so we’ll write \(NN(\OperatingPoint, j)\) for the index of the \(j^{\mathrm{th}}\) nearest neighbor of \(\OperatingPoint\).
The k-nearest-neighbor estimate of the regression function is then the average value of the response over the \(k\) nearest neighbors: \[ \hat{\mu}(\OperatingPoint) = \frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^{k}{y_{NN(\OperatingPoint, j)}} \] For classification, we similarly average the labels of neighbors to estimate \(p(\OperatingPoint)\), \[ \hat{p}(\OperatingPoint) = \frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^{k}{y_{NN(\OperatingPoint, j)}} \] and then threshold it: \[ \hat{c}(\OperatingPoint) = \mathbf{1}(\hat{p}(\OperatingPoint) \geq 0.5) \]
Simulation data for the regression version of our running example. Can you guess the true regression function, without looking at the code?
Simulation data for the classification version of our running example. Can you guess the rule assigning the class labels, without looking at the code?
Our running example data, together with four different kNN estimates of the regression function and the true regression function (\(\mu\)).
Predicted versus actual responses for kNN regression, \(k\in 1:4\), plus the true regression function (\(\mu\)), and a diagonal line as a guide to the eye.
There are lots of estimation methods we could use. To decide on using this one, nearest neighbors, we should have some reason to think it will predict well. This is where theory comes in.
Start with the simplest, most extreme setting, to build ideas. We’ll assume that there is no noise in the outcomes (responses, labels). This means for regression that \(y_i = \mu(\vec{x}_i)\), and for classification that \(y_i = c(\vec{x}_i)\). If nearest neighbors can’t learn to predict here, it’s got to be toast; if it can, we’ll add noise back in. Let’s also make our lives simple by only looking at 1-nearest-neighbors, \(k=1\). To simplify notation, I’ll write \(NN\) as the index for the nearest neighbor of \(\OperatingPoint\), leaving the dependence on \(\OperatingPoint\) implicit.
In this setting — no noise, \(k=1\) — the error nearest neighbors will make for regression at \(\OperatingPoint\) will be \[ \mu(\OperatingPoint) - y_NN = \mu(\OperatingPoint) - \mu(x_{NN}) \] so the risk will be \[ \Expect{(\mu(\vec{X}) - \mu(\vec{X}_{NN}))^2} \] Similarly, for classification, the risk will be \[ \Prob{c(\vec{X}) \neq c(\vec{X}_{NN})} \] We’d like these risks to go to 0 as \(n\rightarrow\infty\) (because here the optimal risk is zero). The equations above suggests that for regression we want the true function to be continuous, but for classification we want it to be piecewise constant. (In fact, piecewise continuity is usually enough for regression.) But even with this, we need to see that \(\vec{x}_{NN} \rightarrow \OperatingPoint\), otherwise continuity won’t help.
Requiring \(\vec{x}_{NN} \rightarrow \OperatingPoint\) is the same as requiring that \(\|\vec{x}_{NN} - \OperatingPoint\| \rightarrow 0\). When will this happen?
Well, pick some positive distance \(\BallRadius > 0\). What is the probability that \(\|\vec{x}_{NN} - \OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius\)? Ideally, we’d like this to go to zero as \(n\rightarrow\infty\), no matter how small that \(\BallRadius\) might be; that would indicate that the nearest neighbor is approaching the point of interest.
A little thought should convince you that the nearest neighbor is more than \(\BallRadius\) away from \(\OperatingPoint\) if and only if every \(\vec{x}_i\) is more than \(\BallRadius\) away. So \[ \Prob{\|\vec{x}_{NN} - \OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius} = \Prob{\forall i, \|\vec{x}_i -\OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius} \]
At this point, we need to make an assumption about the feature vectors. We’ll assume they’re IID. Then the probability of all the feature vectors doing the same thing (being far from \(\OperatingPoint\)) turns into the product of each of them doing that thing: \[\begin{eqnarray} \Prob{\|\vec{X}_{NN} - \OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius} & = & \Prob{\forall i, \|\vec{X}_i -\OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius}\\ & = & \prod_{i=1}^{n}{\Prob{ \|\vec{X}_i -\OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius}}\\ & = & \left(\Prob{ \|\vec{X} -\OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius}\right)^n \end{eqnarray}\] This has got to go to zero as \(n\rightarrow\infty\) (which is what we want), unless the probability we’re raising to the power \(n\) is exactly 1. To get a handle on that, let’s re-write it a bit more: \[\begin{eqnarray} \Prob{\|\vec{X}_{NN} - \OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius} & = & \left(\Prob{ \|\vec{X} -\OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius}\right)^n\\ & = & \left(1 - \Prob{\|\vec{X} - \OperatingPoint\| \leq \BallRadius}\right)^n \end{eqnarray}\] So all we need is for there to be some probability of being within \(\BallRadius\) of \(\OperatingPoint\). If we’re asking for a prediction at a point in the middle of a region of zero probability, nearest neighbors is not a great idea, but otherwise, we’re set.
We can be a little bit more detailed by approximating the probability in question. Assume \(\vec{X}\) follows a pdf \(f(\vec{u})\). Then we get the probability by integrating the pdf \(f\) over the radius-\(\BallRadius\) ball centered on \(\OperatingPoint\), \[ \Prob{\|\vec{X} - \OperatingPoint\| \leq \BallRadius} = \int_{\vec{u}: \|\vec{u} - \OperatingPoint\| \leq \BallRadius}{f(\vec{u}) d\vec{u}} \] Let’s assume \(\BallRadius\) is small. (Ultimately we want it to shrink towards zero, after all.) Over a small enough ball, \(f(\vec{u})\) will be nearly constant, and equal to \(f(\OperatingPoint)\). So \[ \Prob{\|\vec{X} - \OperatingPoint\| \leq \BallRadius} \approx c_p \BallRadius^p f(\OperatingPoint) \] where \(c_p\) is a constant, geometrical factor (\(c_2 = \pi\), \(c_3 = \frac{4}{3}\pi\), etc.). That is, the probability of a small ball centered around \(\OperatingPoint\) is about \(f(\OperatingPoint)\) times the volume of the ball.
Putting all this together, \[ \Prob{\|\vec{X}_{NN} - \OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius} \approx (1-c_p \BallRadius^p f(\OperatingPoint))^n \]
Let’s make use of one last approximation, that \((1+h)^b \approx 1+bh\) when \(|h| \ll 1\). (Use the binomial theorem if you don’t believe me.) Then we get \[ \Prob{\|\vec{X}_{NN} - \OperatingPoint\| > \BallRadius} \approx 1- n c_p \BallRadius^p f(\OperatingPoint) \] This is going to zero for each fixed \(\BallRadius\). If we want this to be constant — say, if we want to find an \(\BallRadius\) which bounds the distance to the nearest neighbor with 50% confidence, the median nearest-neighbor distance — we’d need to say \[ 1- n c_p \BallRadius^p f(\OperatingPoint) = \delta \] or \[ \BallRadius = n^{-1/p} \left(\frac{(1-\delta)}{c_p f(\OperatingPoint)}\right)^{1/p} \] So the typical distance to the nearest neighbor is shrinking to 0, at rate \(n^{-1/p}\). This \(\rightarrow 0\) as \(n\rightarrow\infty\), as desired.
Plotting the distance from the origin to its nearest neighbor as we increase the sample size. If we re-ran the simulation, the exact distances and jumps would change, but the general pattern would not. Notice the log scale for both the horizontal axis (sample size) and the vertical axis (distance to the nearest neighbor).
To recap, because \(\|\vec{x}_NN - \OperatingPoint\| \rightarrow 0\) as \(n\rightarrow\infty\), if the true function is (piecewise) continuous, then 1NN will approximate it arbitrarily well given enough data. When an estimator converges on the truth as \(n\rightarrow\infty\), it’s called “consistent”, so we’ve just shown that nearest neighbors is consistent for learning noise-free functions.
What happens if we add in noise, but still use 1NN? In the regression case, \(Y=\mu(X)+\epsilon\), so \[\begin{eqnarray} \hat{\mu}(\OperatingPoint) & = & y_{NN}\\ & = & \mu(\vec{X}_{NN}) + \epsilon_{NN} \end{eqnarray}\] The error in predicting a new response at \(\OperatingPoint\), \(Y_{new}\), is thus \[\begin{eqnarray} Y_{new} - \hat{\mu}(\OperatingPoint) & = & \mu(\OperatingPoint) + \epsilon_{new} - \mu(\vec{X}_{NN}) - \epsilon_{NN}\\ & = & (\mu(\OperatingPoint) - \mu(\vec{X}_{NN})) + \epsilon_{new} - \epsilon_{NN} \end{eqnarray}\] As \(n\rightarrow\infty\), the \(\mu\) term in parentheses \(\rightarrow 0\), since \(\mu\) is continuous (by assumption) and the nearest neighbor converges on the point. So the error approaches \(\epsilon_{new} - \epsilon_{NN}\). Squaring, taking expectations, and remembering that the noises are uncorrelated, we get that the risk of 1NN regression at \(\OperatingPoint\) approaches \[ \Var{\epsilon|\vec{X}=\OperatingPoint} + (-1)^2\Var{-\epsilon|\vec{X}=\OperatingPoint} = 2\sigma^2(\OperatingPoint) \] The over-all risk of 1NN regression thus approaches \[ 2\Expect{\sigma^2(\vec{X})} \] as \(n\rightarrow\infty\). But the risk of the true regression function is already \(\Expect{\sigma^2(\vec{X})}\), so we’ve come within a factor of two of the optimum risk.3
For classification, the risk at a particular point \(\OperatingPoint\) is \[\begin{eqnarray} \Prob{Y_{new} \neq \hat{c}(\OperatingPoint)} & = & \Prob{Y_{new} \neq Y_{NN}}\\ & = & \Prob{Y_{new}=1, Y_{NN}=0} + \Prob{Y_{new}=0, Y_{NN}=1}\\ & = & p(\OperatingPoint)(1-p(\vec{x}_{NN})) + (1-p(\OperatingPoint))p(\vec{x}_{NN}) \end{eqnarray}\] As \(\vec{x}_{NN} \rightarrow \OperatingPoint\), this approaches \[ 2p(\OperatingPoint)(1-p(\OperatingPoint)) \] provided \(p\) is a continuous function (or at least piecewise continuous). Recall from earlier that the conditional risk of the optimal classification function is \(\min{\left\{p(\OperatingPoint), 1-p(\OperatingPoint)\right\}}\), say \(r(\OperatingPoint)\). So the conditional risk of 1NN approaches \(2r(\OperatingPoint)(1-r(\OperatingPoint)) \leq 2r(\OperatingPoint)\). The over-all risk will thus approach \[ 2\Expect{p(\vec{X})(1-p(\vec{X}))} \] which is at most twice the risk of the optimal classifier.
Recall how we defined the predictions for \(k\)-nearest-neighbor regression4: \[ \hat{\mu}(\OperatingPoint) = \frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^{k}{Y_{NN(\OperatingPoint, j)}} \] For every data point, \(Y=\mu(\vec{X})+\epsilon\), where quite generally \(\Expect{\epsilon|\vec{X}=\vec{x}} = 0\). So we can write \[ \hat{\mu}(\OperatingPoint) = \frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^{k}{\mu(\vec{x}_{NN(\OperatingPoint, j)}} + \frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^{k}{\epsilon_{NN(\OperatingPoint, j)}} \] What we’d like the prediction to be is of course \(\mu(\OperatingPoint)\), as before.
The last equation makes it clear that the error in kNN-regression has two sources:
For 1NN, we controlled the approximation error by realizing that it goes to zero as \(\OperatingPoint\)’s nearest neighbor converges on \(\OperatingPoint\). You6 can extend the argument to show that the \(k^{\mathrm{th}}\) nearest neighbor does too, for any fixed \(k\). If the \(k^{\mathrm{th}}\) nearest neighbor is within \(\epsilon\) of \(\OperatingPoint\), then all of \(k\) nearest neighbors must be too. And then continuity of \(\mu\) says that the approximation error \(\rightarrow 0\) as \(n\rightarrow\infty\).
As for the noise, it’s the average of \(k\) noise terms. If we assume the \(\epsilon\)s are uncorrelated across data points, we can say that \[ \Var{\frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^{k}{\epsilon_{NN(\OperatingPoint, j)}}} = \frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^{k^2}{\Var{\epsilon_{NN(\OperatingPoint, j)}}} \] If \(\Var{\epsilon|\vec{X}=\vec{u}} = \sigma^2(\vec{u})\), then all of those variances are converging on \(\sigma^2(\OperatingPoint)\), and we get \[ \frac{\sigma^2(\OperatingPoint)}{k} \] for the variance of the noise.
The over-all risk of kNN-regression at \(\OperatingPoint\) will thus tend, as \(n\rightarrow\infty\), to \[ (\text{system noise}) + (\text{approximation error}) + (\text{estimation noise}) \rightarrow \sigma^2(\OperatingPoint) + 0 + \frac{\sigma^2(\OperatingPoint)}{k} = \left(1+\frac{1}{k}\right)\sigma^2(\OperatingPoint) \] That is, rather than having twice the optimum risk with \(k=1\), kNN regression gets only \(1+1/k\) of the optimum risk — at least as \(n\rightarrow\infty\).
That last phrase, “as \(n\rightarrow\infty\)”, is of course why we don’t just automatically set \(k\) to be as large as possible. At any finite \(n\), we face a trade-off:
This is a manifestation of one of the fundamental issues in statistics, the bias-variance tradeoff. When we are doing prediction, we don’t (usually) care about whether our errors come from bias or from variance, just about the over-all magnitude of the error. We will usually find that we want methods with some bias, because the error added by the bias is more than compensated for by the reduction in variance. We need some practical way of deciding how much bias we want to trade for less variance. It is important to recognize though that the trade-off will depend on \(n\). For fixed \(k\), the approximation error / bias contribution is going to shrink as \(n\) grows, because the \(k\) nearest neighbors will get closer and closer to \(\OperatingPoint\). But the noise / variance contribution will have the same (expected) size, because we’ll only be averaging \(k\) terms. So what would be ideal is if \(k\) could somehow grow as \(n\) grows, but not so fast that we fall back in to doing a constant or nearly-constant prediction.
To recap: When we predict with \(k\)-nearest-neighbors, our prediction is always an average (or vote, which is a kind of average) over \(k\) data points. We must however pick \(k\). If we increase \(k\), we average over more data points, which is good, because averaging reduces noise and improves precision. But as we decrease \(k\), we average over fewer data points, which is good, because we’re focusing our attention only on points close to where we want to make a prediction, which reduces approximation error and improves accuracy. This is a fundamental tradeoff which has many names: bias vs. variance (low \(k\) has small bias but large variance), approximation vs. estimation error, accuracy vs. precision. How do we actually make this trade-off?
What we want to do is to pick the \(k\) which will do best on new data. For regression7, this means we want to pick the \(k\) which will minimize \[ r(k) = \Expect{(Y-\EstRegFunc_k(\vec{X}))^2} \] where \(\EstRegFunc_k\) is our estimate of the true regression function \(\TrueRegFunc\) obtained by using \(k\) nearest neighbors. Unfortunately, \(r(k)\) involves the true joint distribution of the features \(\vec{X}\) and the outcomes \(Y\), so we can’t calculate it.
The obvious approach is to replace the true risk \(r(k)\) with a “plug-in” estimate, \[\begin{equation} \hat{R}(k) \equiv \frac{1}{n}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{(y_i - \hat{\mu}_k(\vec{x}_i))^2}} \end{equation}\] and select the \(k\) with the smallest \(\hat{R}_k\). The quantity on the RHS of this equation is called the empirical risk of \(k\)-NN regression. Picking the model which makes the empirical risk as small as possible is called empirical risk minimzation, or ERM. For regression, it’s equivalent to minimizing the sum of squares, or the mean squared error, or (under one definition) maximizing \(R^2\).
This is a perfectly reasonable way of picking the parameters within a parametric model. (It doesn’t always work, but it’s a reasonable starting point.) Unfortunately, it’s a horrible way of comparing model specifications. To see that it’s awful for \(k\)NN, think about what it will tell us to do for nearest-neighbor regression. The nearest neighbor of \(\vec{x}_i\) is, obviously, \(\vec{x}_i\). Hence the mean-squared-error of 1-nearest-neighbor regression is always exactly 0. Thus, ERM tells us that the optimal value of \(k=1\), no matter what the data look like.
To sum up, ERM can be a good way of setting parameters within a model, but it’s a horrible way of comparing models.
Since what we’d really like is to minimize \(\Expect{(Y-\hat{\mu}_k(X))^2}\), in many ways our best option would be to have a large, separate, independent validation set of data points \((x^{\prime}_i, y^{\prime}_i)\), \(i \in 1:m\), drawn independent from the same distribution as the data we use to develop our models. Then, by the law of large numbers, \[ \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^{m}{(y_i^{\prime} - \hat{\mu}_k(x^{\prime}_i))^2} \approx \Expect{(Y-\hat{\mu}_k(X))^2} \] and similarly for the misclassification rate.
It’s very important here that the validation data (with primes) be totally independent of the data used to fit the models, since that ensures that \(\hat{\mu}\) is independent of the validation data. That in turn guarantees that error on the validation set is an unbiased and consistent estimate of the generalization error on new data.
This is a great approach when you can make it happen; the problem is that waiting for genuinely new, independent data from the relevant distribution to appear is often very slow and/or expensive, and that makes it extremely tempting to include it in the data you use to fit and develop the model.
— For our running simulation example, we can just simulate much more data from the same process, and see how well models trained on the limited initial data generalize to this validation set.
Rather than waiting for a genuinely-independent validation set to accumulate, a common alternative tactic is to split your data into two parts, conventionally called the “training set” and the “testing set” (or “test set”). Their sizes are \(n_{train}\) and \(n_{test}\) respectively, with \(n_{test} = n-n -{train}\). We typically insist that the division into two parts be totally random; e.g., we might decide that \(n_{train}=n/2\), randomly select exactly that number of rows to belong to the training set, and declare everything else to be in the testing set.
The fundamental rule in data splitting is that all models can only use the training set to generate predictions. For parametric models, this means that parameters are estimate entirely on the basis of training points. For \(k\)NN, it means that nearest neighbors are sought only among the training points. Whether the place where we are making a prediction is one of the training points or not is irrelevant; only training points go in to making the prediction.
Contrarily, we only care about how well we can predict points in the testing set. For each \(i\) in the testing set, we try to predict \(y_i\) on the basis of \(\vec{x}_i\), where each model gets estimated using only the training set. We average the (squared) prediction errors, and pick the \(k\) with the smallest error when generalizing to unseen data. So: fit on the training set, evaluate on the testing set.
Because we’ve randomly split the data into two parts, the training and the testing set follow the same distribution, and are independent. Because the models are estimated using only the training set, their predictions on the testing set aren’t influenced by what we’re trying to predict. (More exactly, of course we want \(\hat{\mu}(\mathbf{X}_{test})\) to be correlated with \(\mathbf{Y}_{test}\), but we want \(\hat{\mu}(\mathbf{X}_{test})\) to be independent of \(\mathbf{Y}_{test}\), conditional on \(\mathbf{X}_{test}\). This is why it’s important that the model is only estimated using the training data.) This lack of influence means we can appeal to the law of large numbers again, as in the genuine-validation-set idea, to say that average performance on the testing set gives us a good estimate of how well we can generalize to future data.
Because you’ve done this a couple of times in the homework already, I won’t include illustrative code.
There are two big drawbacks to simple data splitting, as I’ve presented it.
We could ameliorate the second issue by making \(n_{train}\) close to \(n\), and so much bigger than \(n_{test}\). But now we’re picking only a small number of points out of the whole data set, and using them to decide on the model (or on \(k\)), and so the first problem, of randomness, is amplified. Can we do something about both issues at once?
This is where cross-validation comes in. The basic idea is to repeat data splitting multiple times, averaging across different splits into training and testing.
The most common form is what’s called “\(v\)-fold cross-validation”8. This goes as follows:
Because we don’t just make one random split into training and testing sets, but many (or \(v\) splits at any rate), we reduce the noise in our estimate, compared to simple data splitting. On the other hand, each training set contains a fraction \(\frac{v-1}{v}\) of the complete data, so we’re seeing what generalizes best at a sample size close to that of the full data.
(In passing, notice that we’ve ensured that each data point appears once, and only once, in a testing set, and gets used in exactly \(v-1\) training sets. You could imagine just doing \(v\) random training/testing splits, but this leads to [slightly] more variance in our estimate of generalization performance, because it randomly over-emphasizes some data points compared to others.)
(Also in passing, observe that the estimates of generalization error we get from each fold are correlated. This is because when we consider the models we test against fold 1 to those we test against fold 2, they still had \(n\frac{v-2}{v}\) training data points in common. This means that the variance of the estimate of generalization error isn’t reduced quite as much as if we were averaging \(v\) uncorrelated random variables.)
The extreme of \(v\)-fold cross-validation is to set \(v=n\), so that each point is put in its own “fold”, with a testing set of size of \(1\). Each training set thus contains \(n-1\) data points. This is called “leave one out” cross-validation, because each data point is, in turn, “left out” (made the testing set), and we try to predict it from a model trained with all the other points.
V-fold CV can be much faster computationally than LOOCV; we re-fit each model \(v\) times, instead of \(n\) times. Moreover, if we’re using CV to select among models of different complexity, LOOCV tends to “overfit”, in the sense that it tends to pick a model with all of the right terms and extra, superfluous ones as well, even as \(n\rightarrow\infty\). For this reason, 5- or 10- fold CV is pretty much the “industry standard”. There are two issues which complicate this, however.
There are two (main) costs to any computational procedure: the time it takes to run (measured in elementary operations of the computer), and the memory it needs to run (sometimes referred to as “space”).
The memory cost of kNN is pretty demanding. We need to keep around the entire data set, which means \(p\) features plus 1 label per data point, for a total memory cost of \(O(n(p+1)) = O(np)\). Admittedly, we don’t need all of this in memory at once. But there’s no real over-head for the model itself.
The time complexity is more interesting. The most straightforward way to implement kNN is to compute the distance between the new point \(\vec{x}_0\) where we’re making a prediction, and every data point with a label. The time to compute one distance is going to be \(O(p)\), with \(p\) features, so computing all the distances will take \(O(np)\) time. The time to find the \(k\) smallest distances, from a list of \(n\) distances, will be \(O(n)\) (regardless of \(p\)). Once we find those \(k\) nearest neighbors, averaging their labels will take \(O(k)\) time (regardless of \(n\) and \(p\)). So the total time will be \(O(np+n+k) = O(np+k)\). Now, a theoretical computer scientist will tell you that anything which is sub-exponential in \(n\) is “tractable”, but if \(n=10^9\) or \(10^12\), that’s a bit delusional…
There are two parts of the straightforward implementation which take \(O(n)\) time: computing all the distances, and finding the \(k\) smallest distances. Since \(k \ll n\), most of the distances we compute end up being useless. This suggests some lines of inquiry for speeding up kNN:
If our algorithm slows down with \(n\), one obvious approach is to try to make \(n\) smaller. One reason this may not be hopeless is that there are diminishing returns, predictively, to increasing \(n\): the risk shrinks as \(n\) grows, but more and more slowly. To understand this, remember that the distance to the nearest neighbor is \(O(n^{-1/p})\), and the bias will be on the order of the distance (Taylor expand \(\TrueRegFunc\)), so the bias’s contribution to the risk \(\propto \mathrm{bias}^2 = O(n^{-2/p})\). Against this, for fixed \(k\), the variance’s contribution to the risk is \(O(1)\). Thus if \(p=10\), doubling \(n\) doubles computing time, but the bias is still \(\approx 0.87\) of what it was before. At some point, the extra risk reduction just isn’t worth the extra computing time.
This idea leads to sampling strategies: we pick a random subset of \(n^{\prime} \ll n\) data points, and ignore the others. This can keep the computing time small, at an acceptable level of extra prediction risk. Picking \(n^{\prime}\) in a principled way needs a price at which we can trade risk against computing time. (Alternately, we could impose a hard constraint on either time or risk, but then a Lagrange multiplier will give us the implied “shadow price” at which these trade off against each other.) Sampling leads to an extra element of randomness, but, by design, no worse than if we really did just have \(n^{\prime}\) data points.
(Beyond random sampling, there are some strategies for trying to select data points to keep in the training sample. Details get complicated, but the basic idea is usually to identify points whose removal will do the least to change the predictions, and drop them. [For instance, if some data point is never the nearest neighbor of any other point, it’s a good candidate for deletion.] Relatedly, if there are multiple points which are near each other with the same or very similar labels, we might try condensing them into one point. But random sampling is often competitive with these more complicated procedures.)
The drawback of using fewer points is that it seems wasteful to collect the data, and then ignore most of it!
Our naive implementation of nearest neighbors involves calculating the distances between our test point and \(n\) different \(p\)-dimensional vectors; this is the \(O(np)\) part of the over-all time. One way to speed this up is to use the following remarkable mathematical fact about vectors9:
Take any \(n\) different \(p\)-dimensional vectors, and consider projecting them on to \(q\) different random directions. If \(q=O(\frac{\log{n}}{\epsilon^2})\), then, with high probability, the distances between the projected vectors are within a factor of \(1\pm \epsilon\) of the distances between the original vectors.
In other words, if we take our \(p\)-dimensional data, and randomly project it down to \(O(\log{n})\) dimensions, we nonetheless preserve distances (to within a factor of \(1\pm\epsilon\)). The time to do one of these projections is \(O(p)\), so the time to do all of the projections for all the data points is \(O(np\log{n})\), but we only have to do this once, regardless of how many predictions we make. We can then find (approximate) nearest neighbors in time \(O(n\log{n}+p\log{n}+k)\):
This random projection trick will help when \(p \gg \log{n}\), which can easily be the case in modern data (say \(p=10^5\) while \(n=10^6\)). But it doesn’t get us away from scaling badly with \(n\).
There are two ways to avoid having to look at every data point. One is to use clever, deterministic data structures. The other is to use random summaries of the data.
Algorithm designers have spent decades devising clever data structures for finding nearest neighbors, and I won’t pretend to survey the state of the art. But it is worth understanding one of the classic approaches to this, \(k-d\) trees (or \(k\)-dimensional trees). Partly this is because it’s a very neat approach, and partly this is because it’s the default in the FNN
\(k-d\) trees are sorting or search trees, where each of the \(n\) original data points is located at a leaf. Each internal node is labeled by a feature, and a possible value of that feature. (This is like the CART trees we’ll see how to use for classification and regression.) Generally, all the internal nodes at the same level use the same feature. (This is unlike CART.) One searches through the tree for neighbors to a new point by “dropping the point down the tree”: starting at the root, go to either the left child node or the right node depending on whether the new point’s value for the current node’s feature is above or below the current node’s threshold. We continue going down the tree until there are only \(k\) leaf nodes below us: those are the neighbors.
To see why \(k-d\) trees find neighbors quickly, assume that the number of points we could be matched to gets cut in half at each node, so there are \(n\) leaf nodes under the root, \(n/2\) leaf nodes under each child of the root, etc. (We’ll see how to make sure this assumption holds in a moment.) How many levels \(d\) do we need to go down to reach \(k\) candidate neighbors? Set $ 2^{-d}$ to \(k\) and solve: \[\begin{eqnarray} n 2^{-d} & = & k\\ \log_2{n} - d & =& \log_2{k}\\ d & = & \log_2{n/k} \end{eqnarray}\] So the time needed to find \(k\) approximate nearest neighbors, using a \(k-d\) tree, is \(O(\log{n})\), not \(O(n)\)!
Now, this might not work at finding the nearest neighbors. (There might be nearer neighbors on the other side of one of the splits we’ve taken.) There are more sophisticated tricks which will guarantee finding the nearest neighbors with the \(k-d\) tree, which you can find in standard references on algorithms and data structures. Using those tricks, finding the nearest neighbors take \(O(\log{n})\) steps on average, though the worst-case time is \(O(n)\).
I still haven’t said how to actually build the \(k-d\) tree. Here’s the procedure:
Because we’ve used the median, we’ve ensured that each child contains 1/2 of the points of its parents, which is what we wanted to ensure that finding (approximate) neighbors would be fast.
Here is a very different approach to finding (approximate) nearest neighbors quickly (Paulevé, Jégou, and Amsaleg 2010):
If \(q=\sqrt{n}\), then it takes \(O(p\sqrt{n})\) to find the right cluster in which to look for neighbors, and \(O(pn/q) = O(p\sqrt{n})\) to search for neighbors within that cluster. So the over-all time to run kNN, using clusters to search for approximate neighbors, is \(O(p\sqrt{n} + k)\), which will be a lot faster than the naive implementation. (You could also combine this with, say, the random projection trick to speed up calculating distances.)
This division of the data points in to clusters is an example of what we will see later as k-means clustering (because the number of clusters is usually called \(k\); I wrote it as \(q\) here to avoid confusion with the number of nearest neighbors averaged for predictions.) When we look at it in more detail, we’ll see that it tends to produce compact clusters of near-by points, with (roughly) similar numbers of points in each cluster. This is precisely what we want for finding (approximate) nearest neighbors, whether or not the data really fall into well-separated clumps or clusters.
This use of clustering is an example of a broader family of methods for quickly and randomly dividing the data points into bins or buckets, with a guarantee that points placed in the same bucket are probably similar in some respect. This means that once we find which bucket our test point belongs to, the other points in that bucket are good candidates for being its nearest neighbors. These methods are known, for convoluted historical reasons, as locality sensitive hashing (LSH)10 techniques, and have been extensively developed in the literature on database systems; see further reading for more details.
The pioneering theoretical analysis of nearest neighbors, covering both regression and classification as special cases of prediction-in-general, was done by Cover in the 1960s (Cover and Hart 1967; Cover 1968a, 1968b). What I’ve done above is basically “Cover made even simpler”. For more refined analyses of kNN classification and regression, see the appropriate chapters of Devroye, Györfi, and Lugosi (1996) and Györfi et al. (2002), respectively.
Historical note on nearest neighbors: “Find the most similar case with a known outcome, and guess that a new case will be similar” is such a natural idea that it’s almost impossible to trace its earliest history. The recognition that this idea could be a general, explicit statistical method, along with the name “nearest neighbors”, seems to go back to the 1950s (see Cover (1968a) for references). But because it’s such a natural idea that it keeps getting re-invented in different subjects: in nonlinear dynamics and the physics of chaotic systems, for instance, it was introduced in the 1980s as the “method of analogs” (see Kantz and Schreiber (1997) for references).
k-d trees were introduced by Bentley (1975) (a very clear paper). Gershenfeld (1999) gives a brief introduction, and explains how to use them to do density estimation. @{Algorithms-Calder is a deservedly-standard textbook on algorithms and data structures, including efficiently working with search trees.
Combining clustering with kNN, and locality-sensitive hashing: Locality-sensitive hashing is due to Gionis, Indyk, and Motwani (1999). There are good explanations of the idea, and its uses in data mining (beyond just fast nearest neighbors) in Leskovec, Rajaraman, and Ullman (2014). The use of k-means clustering as a locality-sensitive hash comes from Paulevé, Jégou, and Amsaleg (2010).
Arlot, Sylvain, and Alain Celisse. 2010. “A Survey of Cross-Validation Procedures for Model Selection.” Statistics Surveys 4:40–79. https://doi.org/10.1214/09-SS054.
Azadkia, Mona. 2019. “Optimal Choice of \(k\) for \(k\)-Nearest Neighbor Regression.” E-print, arxiv:1909.05495. http://arxiv.org/abs/1909.05495.
Bentley, Jon Louis. 1975. “Multidimensional Binary Search Trees Used for Associative Searching.” Communications of the ACM 18:508–17. https://doi.org/10.1145/361002.361007.
Cover, Thomas M. 1968a. “Estimation by the Nearest Neighbor Rule.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 14:50–55. http://www-isl.stanford.edu/~cover/papers/transIT/0050cove.pdf.
———. 1968b. “Rates of Convergence for Nearest Neighbor Procedures.” In Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, edited by B. K. Kinariwala and F. F. Kuo, 413–15. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. http://www-isl.stanford.edu/~cover/papers/paper009.pdf.
Cover, Thomas M., and P. E. Hart. 1967. “Nearest Neighbor Pattern Classification.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 13:21–27. http://www-isl.stanford.edu/~cover/papers/transIT/0021cove.pdf.
Devroye, Luc, László Györfi, and Gábor Lugosi. 1996. A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Gershenfeld, Neil. 1999. The Nature of Mathematical Modeling. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Gionis, Aristides, Piotr Indyk, and Rajeev Motwani. 1999. “Similarity Search in High Dimensions via Hashing.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases [Vldb ’99], edited by Malcolm P. Atkinson, Maria E. Orlowska, Patrick Valduriez, Stanley B. Zdonik, and Michael L. Brodie, 518–29. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Györfi, László, Michael Kohler, Adam Krzyżak, and Harro Walk. 2002. A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Kantz, Holger, and Thomas Schreiber. 1997. Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Leskovec, Jure, Anand Rajaraman, and Jeffrey D. Ullman. 2014. Mining of Massive Datasets. Second. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. http://www.mmds.org.
Paulevé, Loïc, Hervé Jégou, and Laurent Amsaleg. 2010. “Locality Sensitive Hashing: A Comparison of Hash Function Types and Querying Mechanisms.” Pattern Recognition Letters 31:1348–58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2010.04.004.
Wahba, Grace. 1990. Spline Models for Observational Data. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial; Applied Mathematics.
Some people call the optimum prediction function or prediction rule the Bayes rule, even though it has nothing to do with Bayesian inference, or with Thomas Bayes, and only the most tenuous connection to Bayes’s rule (the fact that \(\Prob{A|B} = \Prob{B|A}\Prob{A}/\Prob{B}\)).↩
An alternative expression would be \(\frac{1}{2} - \left|p(\vec{x})-\frac{1}{2}\right|\), but this will be less useful later on.↩
If the noise variance is constant, \(\sigma^2(\vec{x}) = \sigma^2\), this simplifes: the risk of 1NN regression approach \(2\sigma^2\), while the risk of the true regression function is just \(\sigma^2\).↩
The analysis for kNN-classification is very similar and comes to the same conclusion, but I don’t feel like writing everything out twice.↩
If we think of the locations of the nearest neighbors as fixed, and only the responses \(Y\) as random, then we can call this “bias” in the technical sense, as the expected difference between the estimate \(\hat{\mu}(\OperatingPoint)\) and the truth \(\mu(\OperatingPoint)\). If we treat the locations of the nearest neighbors as random, then the bias would be \(\Expect{\frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^{k}{\mu(\vec{X}_{NN(\OperatingPoint, j)}) - \mu(\OperatingPoint)}}\), which is a bit of a mess, though fortunately not something we’ll need to know in detail, as the next paragraph will explain.↩
“You”, meaning “not me, at least not now”. The trick is however to realize that if the \(k\)th neighbor is more than \(\epsilon\) away from \(\OperatingPoint\), at least \(n-k+1\) of the data points must be more than \(\epsilon\) away. (Said differently, if the \(k\)th neighbor is within \(\epsilon\), then at least \(k-1\) other data points must also be within \(\epsilon\).) The probability of this happening is something we can calculate from a binomial distribution, with \(n\) trials and a success probability depending on the probability of a random point being in the \(\epsilon\)-ball around \(\OperatingPoint\).↩
Everything will apply equally to classification, but I don’t want to introduce the extra notation that would go along with being that general. You can make the obvious substitutions for yourself.↩
Actually, people usually call it “\(k\)-fold”, but here \(k\) is pre-empted by the number of nearest neighbors, and it is sometimes called “\(v\)-fold” (Arlot and Celisse 2010).↩
This fact is called the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, and we’ll revisit it in the context of dimension reduction.↩
In computer science, a “hash function” is one which takes inputs in some domain, say strings of text characters, and maps them to numbers, thought of as “bins” or “buckets”, or more generally as categories. Good hash functions have two properties: (i) the distribution of the output is uniform over the categories, and (ii) changing the input puts the output in a different category, at least with high probability. If we want to approximately compare two inputs, without actually looking at them, we can compare their hashed values: if those are different, the inputs were probably different. So hash functions are used to check for data-entry errors, for tampering in files, etc. A “locality sensitive hash function” is one with the extra property (iii) if two inputs do get hashed to the same bin, then they are probably similar (in some specified respect). As for the origin of the name “hash function” itself, that seems to come from the fact that the symbol #
, sometimes called the number sign or the pound sign, is also called the “hash sign” or “hash mark”, and a hash function is thought of as assigning inputs to cells in a grid. The word “hash” itself meant something chopped up with an axe or cleaver (as in “hash browned potatoes”, or “make a hash of something”), and the hash mark looks like what you’d see looking down on some hashed-up vegetables. The English “hash” comes from the old French hache, an axe (also the root of “hatchet”) and the corresponding verb hacher, to cut up with an axe. So locality sensitive hash functions are, at the root, ways of cutting the data up into small bits with an axe.↩