Nonparametric Inference Tutorial

This is the web page to accompany the nonparametric inference tutorial at the SAMSI Opening Workshop for the Astrostatistics Program.

The tutorial took place on January 21 and 22, 2006, led by Larry Wasserman and Chad Schafer, members of the International Computational Astrostatistics Group.

You can get the slides we used here. We are going to fix some of the typos we found and repost soon.

Topics include:

IMPORTANT:Things to do Prior to the Tutorial

The tutorial will include an overview of how to use the R statistical package to utilize the nonparametric methods. Although not necessary, participants would find it helpful to bring a laptop computer set up with the necessary software and files:
  1. Install R on your laptop. You can find R at the R project main page.
  2. Install required packages. Once you have installed R, start it up, and choose "Install package(s) from CRAN..." from under the "Packages" menu. Choose each of the following packages from the list: We will be using these during the tutorial.
  3. Download these files to your computer.

R Tutorials

We will not assume you know anything regarding R, but looking these over would be helpful:

R Tutorial from Center for Astrostatistics at Penn State.

R Tutorial by Phil Spector

Data Sets

The WMAP data.

Some astronomical data sets from the Center for Astrostatistics at Penn State.

Related Reading

We will fill this in soon with some references.

Astronomy Applications

Nonparametric Inference for the Cosmic Microwave Background by Genovese,

Empirical models for Dark Matter Halos by Graham,


Please contact Chad Schafer at cschafer at stat dot cmu dot edu if you have questions.