36-707: Regression Analysis Spring 2001 ESSENTIAL INFORMATION: Meeting time/place: Tue, Thu, 12:00-1:20pm Old Student Center 201 Instructor: Brian Junker brian@stat.cmu.edu 132E Baker Hall 8-2718 Office Hours: T, Th 10-11am TA: Hoa Nguyen htnguyen@stat.cmu.edu 229J Baker Hall 8-7831 Office Hours: T 2-3pm TEXTS FOR COURSE: REQUIRED TEXTS: John O. Rawlings, Sastry G. Pantula, David A. Dickey (1998). Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool, Second Edition. Springer-Verlag ISBN: 0-387-98454-2 William Strunk, Jr., E.B. White (2000). The Elements of Style, 4th Edition. Allyn and Bacon / Longman ISBN: 0-205-30902-X William Norman Venables, Brian D. Ripley (1999). Modern Applied Statistics With S-plus Third Edition. Springer-Verlag ISBN: 0-387-98825-4 RECOMMENDED TEXTS: You may wish to come to class before buying these. Andreas Krause, Melvin Olson (2000). The Basics of S and S-plus Second Edition. Springer-Verlag. ISBN: 0-387-98961-7 Kopka, H. and Daly, P. W. (1999). A guide to LaTeX2e: document preparation for beginners and advanced users. Third Edition. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-39825-7 IMPORTANT LINKS: Course Syllabus in Postscript (for Ghostview) or pdf (for Acroread) form. A Tentative Course Schedule can be found in the syllabus above. Homework Class Notes, Handouts, Etc. Data Projects Splus and friends Other links This course is related to the 36-401 offered by Howard Seltman in Fall 2000, and by Brian Junker in Fall 2001. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brian Junker (412) 268 - 2718 Department of Statistics brian@stat.cmu.edu 232 Baker Hall FAX: (412) CMU-STAT Carnegie Mellon University or (412) 268-7828 Pittsburgh PA 15213 USA WWW: http://www.stat.cmu.edu/~brian/